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La fête des Pâques - Le Christ est ressuscité -2016

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La fête des Pâques - Le Christ est ressuscité -2016 Empty La fête des Pâques - Le Christ est ressuscité -2016

Post  Sirop14 Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:41 pm

La fête des Pâques - Le Christ est ressuscité

Les Chrétiens des Seychelles ont célébré hier la fête des Pâques – la résurrection de Jésus-Christ – et ils étaient nombreux à avoir assistés à la messe dans les églises à travers le pays.

C’est l’évêque de Port Victoria Denis Wiehe qui a présidé la messe à la Cathédrale Immaculée Conception et il a dit que « la résurrection de Jésus-Christ et une complète victoire de la lumière sur l’obscurité, de la vie contre la mort et de l’amour contre la haine ».
Pour sa part, l’évêque anglican James Wong a rappelé qu’après la mort, il y a la résurrection, où la vraie vie commence et que nous devons nous désolidariser des choses matérielles qui nous entourent.

Les Anglicans ont eux aussi célébré hier la fête des PâquesL’évêque Wong a fait part de la transformation de la vie où de plus en plus de souffrances sont vécues dans le monde, avec un même message de désespoir qui se répand.

« Tout à coup, nous apprenons les actes de terrorisme à Londres, Paris et tout dernièrement à Bruxelles. Et il y a des maladies pour lesquelles nous n’avons aucun remède. Il y a des problèmes à la maison. Les enfants sont toujours victimes d'abus. Les gens dorment dans la rue. Vous pouvez être rempli de désespoir. Et si le seul espoir que nous avons de ce monde … c’est le désespoir », a dit l’évêque Wong.
A noter que le vendredi 25 mars – Vendredi Saint – pour se souvenir de ce que Jésus a vécu, les fidèles ont défilé à travers les rues de Victoria et les autres coins à Mahé, Praslin et La Digue à l’occasion du chemin de croix.

Toujours vendredi, il y avait la vénération de la Croix alors que la veillée pascale a débuté après la tombée du jour samedi.

Comment - We are not being rude or awkward -is the Catholic church in Sechelles Seychelles playing politic with our Nation and those less educated - the Head of the Victoria Diocese is a White Priest - We were thinking of the situation in Seychelles watching a documentary Black American what Seychelles is turning out to be. Like in Africa the few amassing vast riches and in the USA the few Black who have made it and the vast majority their state - the same attitude in Seychelles. Their notion of Church and Religion.

As bad - then Sechelles Seychelles under One party system tho who prayed their Christian values Heaven heard their prayers and cries President FA Rene announced Multi party in 1991, he was a former Seminarist/Priest and as former President his high responsible towards the church and his Illuminati affiliation - that Easter and subsequent Easter and this Easter mark 25th Years of that historic events an d yet the Churches attitude in that Seychelles. Much more and far worse they ought to know what really happened and their silence. This attitude leading to the Europe Institution posture towards the Church . Hence the terrible state of Europe.

The Muslim are proud and make their belief first and foremost of their society and life pillar.

To make matters worse our Sechelles Seychelles Exile/Refugees contribution/work to make the WWW possible and the Churches in Seychelles use and relying on this very important global resources. If anything they ought o be those who know what drove and how the WWW came about. ( The Church today is a cocktail of Drug/Voodoo - Black craft practices)

When was the last time the Church said a Mass for those 25,000 exile/refugees form Seychelles - their Children - yet it was the sweat, money and hard labour of those exile/refugees form Seychelles ancestors that build those churches and those today who dare go an call on their God and values/belief. Unless they do not know how to pray and to what and whom they are praying too. Yet all the year round they say prayers for all kind of Groups and world interests including the Homosexual and Lesbian or those massacred in other countries. We have known and work with other radical Priests like Abbey Pierre and Emmaus today world wide.

Everybody choose to forget the core values of that SIROP program. What if the country had changed and a different Regime in place this Easter 2016 would they have carried on the same way/the Current Constitutional Court Process


Posts : 26727
Join date : 2008-06-02

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La fête des Pâques - Le Christ est ressuscité -2016 Empty Awakening of the soul

Post  Sirop14 Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:46 pm

Awakening of the soul


The waves have caught me in their spell
To me they whisper all is well
On this calm Easter day in Mahé, Seychelles
I, in silent solitude, from my rocky beach
Stare at Silhouette in clear relief but out of reach
And in this plain and godly way
Celebrates the great rising of the Lord.
There’s much I wish to share about
the Seychelles of today
On this glorious Easter day
About the Lord’s suffering, persecution and humiliation
From those so near and those so far away.
But today is a day for celebration
A day to remember
How great, God’s mercy and love have
throughout all these years touched us all
Particularly us fortunate inhabitants
of these scattered isles.
So day by day, I will watch the ocean
Ever humble and faithful to my soul’s devotion
As I pray and continue to pray
That Seychelles remains an oasis
of tranquility and peace
In a world of terrible stress and
increasing tribulations.

James R. Mancham
Mahé, Seychelles
Easter day – March 27, 2016


Posts : 26727
Join date : 2008-06-02

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