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DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés

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DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés Empty DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés

Post  Sirop14 Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:40 pm

DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés
Cette mesure est réclamée par Kiev mais légalement compliquée à mettre en œuvre.

Sommet Union européenne-Ukraine : la stratégie de séduction de Kiev pour intégrer rapidement l'UE
L'Ukraine espère rejoindre les Vingt-Sept "dans les deux ans". Un objectif jugé irréaliste, qui n'empêche pas Kiev de mettre les bouchées doubles.
Article rédigé par

Fabien Jannic-Cherbonnel
France Télévisions

"Das sollte jeder verstehen": Putin droht Deutschland - Die Lage im Überblick
Aktualisiert am 03.02.2023, 06:19 Uhr

UKRAINE-KRIEG: Putin droht Deutschland - Deutliches Signal der EU-Spitze in Kiew | WELT Newsstream

"Putin ist über Deutschland am meisten enttäuscht"
Beim Gedenken an die Schlacht von Stalingrad droht der Kreml-Chef einmal mehr dem Westen und nimmt dabei nun auch explizit Deutschland ins Visier. Politikwissenschaftler Thomas Jäger erklärt, was Putin damit nach innen und außen bezweckt und warum ausgerechnet die Bundesrepublik im Fokus steht.


Posts : 26868
Join date : 2008-06-02

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DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés Empty Re: DIRECT. Guerre en Ukraine : l'UE veut financer la reconstruction du pays avec les avoirs russes gelés

Post  Sirop14 Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:04 pm

EU-Beitritt der Ukraine? Schluss mit den Illusionen

03.02.2023 11:51 |
UKRAINE-KRIEG GRÜSSE AUS MOSKAU Luftalarm überschattet EU-Gipfel in Kiew

Ukraine-Gipfel: EU-Beitritt im Zentrum

We want to address the EU high office who took part in the historic meeting in Kiev today on the entry of Ukraine into the EU system, those who will question what are our rights for making this statement - Britain no longer a member of the EU having played a very very crucial role part in building that Europe.
In the lights of the grave threats of Russia military retaliation for Germany delivering the Tanks system to Ukraine. The Current EU Commissioner President and the German chancellor and President Putin. What have been published of/on the process that change East Germany, then President Gorbachev in office. The process of removing Erich Honecker - from his post and Egon Kranz instead. That process was importantly linked with then Seychelle president FA Rene, that SIROP program in implementation and managed from London and Paris. In Germany the few who knew and then White House. To remind those running the house of EU today - under Egon Kranz, the option of East Germany applying for entry in the EU without Germany Reunification. That topic existed and again those involved in manging it. We are going to add two articles of the EU archive on Germany Reunification - in the face of the current situation. These two state, Nation entities were very important historic and then Cold war, NATO Alliance existence/functioning very relevant to the central debate and economic existence of EU yet the very robust and stringent process and vetting process and counter arguments from the international Community - the comparison with the Ukraine situation and very messy ongoing. Today one of Lady Thatcher former leading politician also deputy PM addressing his view on the Britexit situation today and Europe. He must remember a very great deal of the unpublish process and mechanism, method of getting those major events changed, managed not what you got in the Commons debate.

European Parliament and the path to German reunification

Declassified: German reunification, 01-Jan.-1990 - NATO

Thatcher told Gorbachev Britain did not want German unification

Germany's Post-Reunification Effort to Achieve National ...


Posts : 26868
Join date : 2008-06-02

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