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Visit of Volodymyr ZELENSKYY, President of Ukraine to the European Parliament - Formal Sitting: handover of flags, EU and Ukrainian anthems

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Visit of Volodymyr ZELENSKYY, President of Ukraine to the European Parliament - Formal Sitting: handover of flags, EU and Ukrainian anthems Empty Visit of Volodymyr ZELENSKYY, President of Ukraine to the European Parliament - Formal Sitting: handover of flags, EU and Ukrainian anthems

Post  Sirop14 Thu Feb 09, 2023 1:18 pm

The above two post. The Visit to Kiev last week of the College of EU officials and yesterday visit to London, Paris.   The Ukraine PM for one whole year  events in  his country, the EU, Russia and rest of the world and that SIROP program and 14 Hermitage House.

Time and time in Kiev, London, Paris and Bruxelles we have heard the Ukraine PM stress of the European way of life, Values nd cultures, Benchmarks.

Among those values  and benchmark is the European Heraldic/Heraldry disciplines, symbols, methods of reminding and communicating, witnessing  the past  and practices, The emblems/symbols we have above that SIROP program desktop 1986/87 represent 37 yeas ago the Cold War,  those who helped contributed in concepting that SIROP program, their Nations Institutions, values and history, the  long process of becoming a European Nation, the first and second wold wars and other wars.  The USSR include Ukraine, the Warsaw Pact and the COMECON and Africa OAU Communist  and the Latin america, China, the North Africa and the global Communist block. That emblem reminds and represents the lives and values of those who took part and laid the foundation to build this current Europe and its values, institutions, laws and Accords and protocols, Justice, Police and legal systems, Yet the fate of that SIROP program. Our predicament and situation in Britain- London.

We wish that President FA Rene could be alive  to witness this Historic development, at least those empowered t represent and promote his legacy. heritage and Even likewise Sir James Mancham.  Yet the Seychelles Truth Commission, its National Assembly, the Justice and politicians.

All those who argue that Ukraine must be made an exception and bulldoze its entry into the EU system the soonest. It will be pure folly. Those who argued and implement the legislations for the due process. If those  currently in charge are not careful they will be committing very big errors, mistakes that may leed to the destruction,  breakup of the EU.

Visit of Volodymyr ZELENSKYY, President of Ukraine to the European Parliament - Formal Sitting: handover of flags, EU and Ukrainian anthems


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Join date : 2008-06-02

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