Seychelles EU Connection
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L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à so

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L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France  Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à so Empty L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à so

Post  Sirop14 Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:21 pm

L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France

Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à son pays de se rapprocher de ses partenaires normands.

Nicolle Dion, Jacques Marques (adjoints au Maire de Grand Quevilly) et Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, entourant le Consul Francis Herbet

Plus de cent vingt personnalités du monde économique, culturel et social de la région Haute-Normandie, et des représentants de quarante et une nations des cinq continents s’étaient donné rendez-vous dans le cadre prestigieux de la Grange du Grand Aulnay, admirablement décorée aux couleurs seychelloises et mise aimablement à la disposition des Amis de l’Océan Indien, organisateurs de la manifestation, par la municipalité de Grand Quevilly.

Les Seychelles, situées dans l’Océan Indien, découvertes à la fin du quinzième siècle par le Dieppois Jean Cousin, sont composées de 115 îles qui portent le nom des célèbres navires, marins, explorateurs et administrateurs français d’antan.

L’archipel, français de 1770 à 1810, est devenu britannique et l’est resté jusqu’à l’indépendance en 1976. Peuple métissé qui va du très noir au blanc laiteux, qui n’a pas de préjugés de race ou de religion peut être donné en exemple à d’autres pays trop souvent déchirés par des querelles intestines.

La myriade d’îles qui égrène son collier de perles sur le velours de l’Océan Indien, juste sous la couronne de l’Equateur, possède une origine granitique dont les amas de gigantesques blocs déchiquetés, ravinés, noircis ou blanchis tout au long de millénaires de déluges tropicaux se mêlent à une végétation luxuriante composée de palmiers et cocotiers plantés sur un sable étonnamment fin.

Les parfums envoûtant s’ajoutent à ce spectacle romantique évoquant la création du monde dans une forme de concert de vent et de vagues venant cogner sur la barrière de lagons ensorceleurs.

Le mariage entre le granitique, la végétation et la mer est un spectacle rare, sauvage et grandiose qui ne peut laisser insensible le voyeur, fût-il le plus blasé.

C’est ainsi que pour tous ceux qui découvrent ces captivants paysages et la chaleur du sourire des habitants, ils font l’effet, aujourd’hui, d’être le dernier paradis terrestre.

Depuis leur indépendance, les Seychelles sont devenues un phénomène de réussite et un exemple de solidarité qui en fait un véritable leader pour la défense des intérêts des petits états insulaires en voie de développement.

Cette position de chef de file a même poussé le gouvernement à proposer sa candidature auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour être membre du Conseil de Sécurité.

Cet aboutissement est amplement justifié.

Tous les « Grands » de ce monde se tournent régulièrement vers James Alix Michel, le Président de la République des Seychelles, pour envisager un échange d’expériences et d’expertise afin de lutter contre la piraterie maritime et combattre le trafic d’argent sale lié aux prises d’otages.

Les Seychellois ont beaucoup œuvré dans le dénouement de la crise politique à Madagascar. Le dynamique gouvernement joue un rôle essentiel dans la définition des objectifs de développement durable qui peuvent être plagiés par les pays qui songent à l’avenir de la planète.

Dès leur plus jeune âge, les enfants apprennent à protéger la nature, les plages et la mer, leurs biens les plus précieux. Les adultes montrent l’exemple en évitant par exemple qu’un bâtiment en construction ne dépasse pas la hauteur d’un cocotier.

Afin d’accéder à une certaine forme de bonheur, l’état propose à ses ressortissants la possibilité pour tous d’apprendre et de s’éduquer jusqu’à l’université en créole, anglais et français – les trois langues nationales et de se soigner – dans les meilleures conditions selon les techniques les plus modernes.

Le sport, la culture sont ouverts à tous. Comme la démocratie est respectée, la stabilité politique exemplaire permet d’envisager pour 2013 une progression du PIB de 5%. Avec le développement de la pêche au thon et du tourisme chacun peut trouver un emploi.

C’est donc ce pays exemplaire qui va battre Pavillon à Grand Quevilly pour le plus grand bien de tous les normands qui désirent poursuivre la coopération économique, portuaire, culturelle et sportive avec ce pays.


Ville de Grand Quevilly

The region of Haute-Normandie in France

Upper Normandy

Last edited by Sirop14 on Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 26726
Join date : 2008-06-02

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L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France  Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à so Empty Re: L’inauguration du consulat de la République des Seychelles à Grand Quevilly, en France Son Excellence Bernard Shamlaye, Ambassadeur de la République des Seychelles en France, vient d’inaugurer à Grand Quevilly, le poste Consulaire qui doit permettre à so

Post  Sirop14 Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:26 pm

After the strong application of that infernal mechanism by the new Seychelles Consulate during the night we knew and all those who have been working with our issues the past 35 years that something awful will take place would have taken place.

We had wanted to address just the issues surrounding his appointment which we impacted, drove and catapulted and after such very arrogant attitude and those who judge it is poor taste to write about it - enough is enough should the truth be known their will be a major stink.

We decided to check the new for such issues and the news that the co-founder of the Kurdish PKK , Sakine Cansiz had been killed with three other activist in Paris during the night of Wednesday and Thursday - we do trust like the death/killing of Princess Diana and it took some 6 inquest to get half the truth, the authorities and police will be careful.

We have written over the past 15 years how we were sent back to London By Kent constabulary after the theft and destruction of the Mobile Home/office ex Nort west Holst construction/societe general des Eaux daughter company and that Princess Diana Caravan - Minuette and got put in a Hotel at Hibury Park ran by and Irish and Jewish family - the many discussion we held, tea and coffee and meal at the PKK Office community resource center in North London - its was a public place and anybody associated with community work could were invited there - the story of my good friend who wan the pound sterling 250,000 lottery ticket.

Over the past 15 years the many contacts, their yearly involvements in the marches, the NCVO and LVSC issues and our Seychelles community London and North London workings, our greater Seychelles exile/refuge workings - the issues we have discussed and resource shared.

President FA Rene and his government knew about all those issues and last night his involvement trying to share with that new incoming consulate to mind his step - be careful.

We have addressed on our forums and the AKS forums how we can impact the workings of Turkics government in many important national and international issues and those London Curds know about this.

How when Ning and that Italian female CEO went wrong and the Jewish person who took over and the issues of no more free Ning - we decided to use a Turkish platform - for the IOC - IOR Network and how this impacted Turkey politic, decision making and their decision to intensify relation within Seychelles, the building of that special place at Anse aux pins new the Judge EJ Stiven ex House and Property and the Jumeau/Turtle Bay Hotel and ex St Michel train ground.

We have shared with their respective community in London both Kurdish and Turkish those issues. We have other Turkish and Kurdish Business connections in London the meetings we held just before Christmas about that Stock Exchange, the Finance meeting in Turkey by our our people and other issues. We have equally addressed the issue of mismanagement of both Seychelles complex and greater working those who know about it and manipulate them for their own interests and the results.

We decided to attend the funeral of Madame Danielle Mitterrand - the large delegation of Kurdish official and their representation and the discussion we had and explanations - by strange coincidence our bus had gone and left us behind and we traveled all the way form Cluny on their Bus back to Paris and they go to know a good deal about our workings. There were other French Official on the Bus/very likely Police too.

Prior to that during the early days of UKSCA and the Seychelles community/Exile office and the DP, and the Mancham movement, and the SNM/MPR and the faction of Minister Uzice and the Alliance personalities and that of CDU - Dr Maxime Ferrari and those of Mr Phillippe Boule SNAP - we were in talk, connection with Seychelles government and President F A Rene many connections and getting support form the Kurdish and the Armenian community in London - their Head a Mr Albert somebody base in West London -Ealing, near Acton and the conference that was held their in support of that SIROP program - led by Mr Ron Moodley and many others.{ We have been requested to give details of that Historic conference at Ealing Town Hall - the many Seychellois exile factions were not interested/bothered, most of them safe some of the Senior executive of SNM/MPR, former UKSCA Executives, Mr Boulle himself, Mrs Kathleen Pillay as Head of HVA later, the former Ministers the vast majority did not understand what the talk were/was about. They did not know that given our exile/refugees situation and community, the issues of SEA and Mr Felix Hoareau, the attitude of BRC and those so call establish refugee and exile British institutions how they treated and responded to our issues and cause - together with those dissatisfied voice - Refugee forum was formed - with support for AHRAG Housing Association. Given this special relation after we became aware that the USA and those in London had betrayed us - the conference in Seychellois exile Germany and outcome, we went to AHRAG, the Pan African congress, the Solidarnos and the Irish and Latin American communities, that was when that Historic conference was called. Those who took part, speakers - Latin America House, Peru, Colombia, Chile and others. The Somali, Eritarians, Ethiopians, Tamils, ANC/Pan African faction in London, the Seychelles exile community - our person, that SIROP program - we did extend invitations, Iraqi. Solidarnos, Yugoslav exile/underground in London, Czechoslovakia, Armenian, Kurd, Turkish from Cyprus. Irish communities, Iranian, Asian representation from Hounslow, those from the NGO LVSC, other refugee bodies, Migrants, other representation of BRC activities - Evelyn Old field Unit. Amnesty International, beside undercover special police and intelligence. Given the importance of that Conference, debate and discussion we took all the papers, notes and comment put it that suitcase of the Epstine/Belloff and took it for safe keeping to Angers - SVP} May be that was the revenge, those who wrote the Commonwealth change Seychelles One Party system/state. They were not there at that Historic Conference. The USA Ambassador, South African, Australian, Kenya, Mauritius, Canada, Israel, Soviet, Polish, Iraq, Libya, India and Pakistan, Tanzania, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, French Embassy, German, Austrian, Belgium, Italian and Seychelles got to know of the historic Conference, the Irish government and those form North Ireland - the British Cabinet , the House of common and the House of Lords. Beside Vatican representation in London we had been in contact. The Commonwealth Masonic Lodge did get to know of that Historic Conference. Robert Maxwell certainly got to know - we were in contact, unofficial and the many issues like the Murdoch mega scandal which have never been disclosed - the acquisition of his media Empire.

The above incident is nothing new - it is just that the current Seychelles Ambassador in Paris Mr Bernard Shamlaye is new to his post unlike Mr Hoareau , who was in the know of a great deal of such issues - we exchanged and share information unofficial.

We have addressed the issues of the new incoming Seychelles High Commission using that same infernal mechanism and what started taking place - we have addressed the European court of justice, the African Union, the International court of Justice , the white House and the US Judiciary and others. Had this not stop what would have ensued and those from President Michel Office and that of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Jean Paul Adam who know of those issue and then Mauritius many Officials.

There was a very similar very evil and nasty incident - we had addressed a Letter to Segolane Royal to discuss that SIROP program and using our greater Seychelles EU workings to drive the French and EU economy - the same application and abuse of that infernal Satanic rage - crack vibe and those who infer this is a Masonic mechanism and discipline and Israel used a drone and assassinate the head of Hamas and what ensued.

Right across the advance world the USA, Canada, South America, South Africa, Australia and Europe a science and discipline to prove and dis prove this we have been trained in this field by Professor Dr Micheal Hoffman and others. President Fa Mitterrand knew about such workings, President FA Rene, Mr Guy Morel, Mr Guy Lionnet, Mr Jean Marc Harel in Mauritius and Dr Ramgoolan special adviser. Mr Jean Ping of the African Union and Dr Kofi Anan and very many others. How is it is abused and abused. {The issues of the EU Terrorist Legislation and what we have been writing about then PM Blair government}

Last night this started when we address the forum article about 7pm British time and went on until 6am this morning.

There are those form our community in Germany, Holland, Australia and Canada, Elyse Palace and very many other who work with our Seychelles ancient issues and modern pick it up - who picked all the going on - Miss Pauline Ferrari pick it up too and indeed the Ambassador Shamlaye and those who ran the Coco de Mer Restaurant in Paris.

It was not just the so call digging and unearthing of vast/tons of past information - using this technique it is the illegality - every management discipline/issues has defensive mechanism and specially put in place and designed to protect for such abuse and when those who come purporting to be Freemason and the such - they start digging and churning things up what is likely to happen and has been happening for the past 36 years.

Certai9n senior official of our Sechelles Seychelles EU community greater workings and the Exile had requested we write/bring the matter to the authority attention and Seychelles. We had not know we would have to write about this issues.

We want to address the new incoming Seychelles Consulate in Upper Normandy - please do your research, France and EU are full of specialist. there is a very marked boundary. line between the Seychelles government and the people of Seychelles workings and our respective EU communities workings and particularly that 21,000 exile workings. If he is not experience to contact some of the Seychellois Law Firm in Seychelles and they will educate/explain to him. We know the Kurd very well they will not forget this incident easily - it will get talked and buzz.

We have read the so call media explanation they are all regurgitating as they always do and hence Wiki Leak. About the deployment of that Missile shield against Iran and Syria and the current peace Talk with the Turkish government.

IN the first place like that Polish defense issues those who know they use our Seychelles EU workings and the mess it turned out President Bush Junior knew all about it - the Russian President Vladimir Putin and we just got fed up explaining and let the mad people do their stuff. Nobody pay our Bill and give us food we have to feed our self.

The same with that Turkish Missile deployment, the British Media what they know and the politicians. Hence we have been writing to the many EU institutions the EU parliament these workings are very important -not just economy - do something help that this workings is based on mainland Europe not London. Then everybody will see the marked change in European working and other international issues. The grave importance to state these are not managed my Seychelles government of President JA Michel and his SPPF /PL party nor the Diplomatic Service/connection of Seychelles.

That incoming Consulate of Seychelles in Upper Normandy is a socialist and we shared the issues of the funeral of Mrs Danielle Mitterrand , all this children and friends who were the and all the current French government Officials and he still would not pipe down and went on with that infernal mechanism. Plus the pseudo threats.

When the Oppositions get to read and pick up the issue what will inevitable take place and what they will write.

We have been addressing about political benchmark and mega corruption-we have been involved importantly with the issues of Turkey joining the EU them Mr Tony Blair government and those who know the issues - this is not some cheap invention and imagination.

This is why Seychelles government is raising their stake and wish/want an observer status on the Security council advice and supported by many countries in African who know of the issues, India and Pakistan and others. Then they turn round and say we do not exist and write all their lies in their respective media and SBC only the SPPF/PL exist and their corrupted Government workings Benchmark - their corrupted diplomacy.

The issues of the corrupted practice of those Seychelles consulate/Diplomats after our Seychelles EU community had worked hard and our exile had worked hard those 21,000 they come forward and claim the credit the media is involved the Masonic fraternity is involved , the police is involved, NATO is involved and very many others. Hence the situation in North Africa - the so calm North African spring why and how the people hate those politicians and their government - the people work and the many national institutions and the media and the the politicians they say they did it all and take all the credits and the lime lights.

Given our many responsibilities - the issues we have addressed about virgin Group and the incoming Seychelles Consulate judge we were not Masonic enough we ought to have joined the rage and rave. We had kept quiet and we knew the reasons - this can also be prove and disprove by the same discipline.

Note - now we are being block/harassed so we cannot write and edit this thread.

Three Kurdish women activists - including a co-founder of the militant separatist PKK - have been found dead with gunshot wounds in a Kurdish information centre in Paris.

The bodies of Sakine Cansiz and two others were found on Thursday.

French Interior Minister Manuel Valls called the killings "intolerable".

The motive for the shootings is unclear. Some 40,000 people have died in the 25-year conflict between the Turkish state and the PKK.

However, Turkey has recently begun talks with the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, with the aim of persuading the group to disarm.

Trois militantes kurdes abattues à Paris

Le parti kurde BDP interpelle la France


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