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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ?

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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ?

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:39 am

Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ?

Le prince héritier Salman bin Abdelaziz est devenu à 69 ans le nouveau roi d'Arabie saoudite après la mort d'Abdallah, 90 ans.

Né le 15 septembre 1945 à Ryad, Salman Ben Abdel Aziz, le plus jeune des 45 fils d'Abdel Aziz, fondateur du royaume saoudien (lire notre encadré ci-dessous) arrive sur le trône après avoir été désigné en 2012 comme prince héritier. Il aura pour tâche de mettre en oeuvre les réformes économiques et sociales entamées de manière prudente sous le règne d'Abdallah.

Un aspirant libéral et prudent

« Il me semble qu'il est capable de trouver l'équilibre délicat et nécessaire pour faire avancer la société (saoudienne) tout en respectant les traditions et les positions conservatrices », explique Robert Jordan qui fut ambassadeur des États-Unis à Ryad de 2001 à 2003.

Les estimations faites par les services diplomatiques américains et dévoilés lors de l'affaire WikiLeaks le décrivent comme un homme prudent sur la question des réformes culturelles et sociales.

Artisan de la nouvelle Ryad

Personnage imposant, possédant l'un des plus puissants groupes médiatiques du monde arabe, Salman estime que la démocratie ne convient pas au royaume saoudien conservateur. Pendant près d'un demi-siècle, de 1962 à 2011, il fut gouverneur de la province de Ryad, une fonction qui lui a permis de travailler en relations étroites avec les traditionalistes mais aussi avec des technocrates libéraux.

Il a notamment supervisé la transformation de la capitale saoudienne qui est passée d'une petite ville plantée dans le désert à une métropole régionale.


Diplômé en 1968 de la prestigieuse école militaire britannique de Cranwell, il a servi dans l'armée de l'air saoudienne avant d'exercer, à partir de 1980, les fonctions de gouverneur à Haël (nord), puis à Médine (ouest).

En octobre 2005, il a été chargé de diriger les services du renseignement, une mission qui lui a permis de parfaire son expérience politique et de nouer un réseau de relations internationales.

En février 2013, le prince Moqren a été désigné deuxième vice-président du Conseil des ministres, ouvrant la voie à sa nomination comme futur prince héritier.

À l'écoute de ses concitoyens

Connu pour sa modestie et l'intérêt qu'il porte aux préoccupations de ses concitoyens, le prince, qui s'intéresse aussi aux questions agricoles et astronomiques, est un partisan de la mise en place d'un e-gouvernement en Arabie, un pays ultraconservateur.

La famille royale saoudienne fonde son droit à gouverner sur la protection des deux premiers lieux saints de l'islam, La Mecque et Médine, qui se situent sur le territoire du royaume.

Un modéré habile qui a perçu les attentes des religieux

Considéré comme un musulman fervent, Salman a été éduqué à « l'école des princes » créée dans le palais Ibn Saoud par l'imam de la Grande mosquée de La Mecque et est attaché à l'idée que la pratique d'un islam pur est essentielle à la vie du royaume.

Malgré ses fortes convictions religieuses, le nouveau roi a la réputation d'être tourné vers l'extérieur. « C'est un politique intelligent, proche de la base conservatrice mais également doté d'opinions modernes », précise un ancien diplomate qui fut en poste à Ryad.

Poursuite des réformes

En tant que gouverneur provincial, Salman a eu affaire avec des interlocuteurs et des gouvernements étrangers d'une manière bien plus fréquente que les autres membres du pouvoir. Il a joué à plusieurs reprises un rôle d'arbitre dans des conflits au sein de la famille régnante, une situation qui l'a peu à peu placé au centre du pouvoir.

Lors d'une rencontre avec l'ambassadeur américain à Ryad en 2007, Salman expliquait à son interlocuteur que les réformes engagées par Abdallah devaient être poursuivies lentement afin de ne pas provoquer une réaction de rejet de la part des conservateurs.

Mentalité conservatrice

« Je pense qu'il va poursuivre les réformes d'Abdallah. Il en comprend la nécessité. Il n'est pas conservateur par nature, mais il attache de l'importance aux convictions de l'opinion conservatrice dans le pays », explique Djamal Khashoggi, patron d'une des chaînes de télé appartenant à un prince.

« Abdallah voulait faire évoluer les conservateurs, pas les écraser. Salman a respecté le statu quo. Il veut des réformes mais il est très proche de la mentalité tribale, de la nature conservatrice de son électorat », ajoute-t-il.

Pas d'oeillères

Selon lui, l'instauration de la démocratie paraît impossible dans le pays en raison des divisions régionales et tribales. Il estime d'autre part qu'une résolution du conflit israélo-palestinien est nécessaire à la stabilité au Proche-Orient.

« Il ne prend pas pour argent comptant tout ce que disent les États-Unis », explique Robert Jordan, précisant que dans un premier temps il n'avait pas cru que des Saoudiens étaient impliqués dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 comme l'affirmait Washington. « Mais dans le même temps, il perçoit l'importance de cette relation qui dépasse largement la question pétrolière », ajoute le diplomate.

Ce qui attend le successeur du roi Abdallah d'Arabie saoudite
Salman bin Abdelaziz devient le nouveau roi d’Arabie Saoudite dans un contexte de tension exceptionnelle au Proche-Orient avec les conflits en Syrie et en Irak et la lutte d’influence accrue entre son pays et l’Iran sur le plan régional. Agé de 79 ans, il serait de santé fragile.

Abdallah : le monde salue un « homme de paix »
Après la mort du roi d'Arabie saoudite, les hommages se multiplient. François Hollande salue la «mémoire d'un homme d'Etat dont la vision d'une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient reste plus que jamais d'actualité »

En Arabie saoudite, le roi Abdallah est mort, le système continue

Mort du roi Abdallah d'Arabie : Hollande ira «présenter ses condoléances»

Last edited by Sirop14 on Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Saudi Arabia acts fast on succession after king's death

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:25 am

Saudi Arabia acts fast on succession after king's death

(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's new King Salman appointed a grandson of the founding monarch into the line of succession for the first time on Friday, moving fast after the death of King Abdullah to quell fears of dynastic instability at a time of regional turmoil.

The appointment of Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef as Deputy Crown Prince was highly unusual for its speed, Saudis said, ahead of the burial of the monarch due on Friday afternoon following his death in the early hours. Such appointments normally take several days.

Mohammed bin Nayef becomes the first grandson of the kingdom's founding monarch, King Abdulaziz, known as Ibn Saud, to take an established place in the line of succession.

All Saudi kings since his death in 1953 have been his sons and the move into the next generation had raised the prospect of a palace power struggle. King Salman also appointed his own son Mohammed bin Salman Defense Minister and head of the royal court.

Salman, thought to be 79, now takes over as the ultimate authority in a country that faces long-term domestic challenges compounded by the plunging price of oil and the rise of the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria, which vows to toppled the Al Saud. [ID:nL6N0V15FP}

Who is the new Saudi king, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud?
Who is he?

Saudi Arabia’s new king following the death of his 90-year-old half-brother, King Abdullah. Salman, 79, has been crown prince since 2012 and defence minister since 2011. He has also been standing in for Abdullah for several months by chairing cabinet meetings, representing Saudi Arabia abroad and hosting foreign dignitaries.

How is his health?

Not good, but the nature of his condition is hard to verify with the secretive Saudi court. He is reported to have had at least one stroke and has lost some movement in his left arm. Rumours that he has dementia or Parkinson’s disease have been denied. He was well enough to meet US senator John McCain last week.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques orders absent funeral prayers for King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz

Tributes pour in for Saudi King Abdullah

Comment -
Last night we addressed an/the issues of high Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary Management working with higher Institutions of the world, their persons and issues. ( A very brief example the case/incident of Michael Shumacher - we have taken to writing/explaining sch issues to very very many when a grave incident or given high personality is affected.)

What we have written about the Killing at charlie Hebdo and those who know our high responsibility in Britain knowingly apply highly abnormal psychological, criminal and very abnormal mechanism - their objective and aim and what occurs and take place in he process and their deceitful benchmark, nature - those who say they are officials and have the rights to hack all our information, harvest them then use then and abuse them worse than pedophile and sex abusers - when others react and thing breakup what they then write and their so call experts explanation.

{We had not wanted to address this thread this morning more/instead the thread about the EBC so call decision to Print money to inject in the EU economy - when we have been writing this was not necessary, the experiment we carried out in November and December and the so call armies of experts and great scientist and the lot. It was something we had done just a it can trigger something very negative can trigger something positive - depending on the approach - the announcement the next day 21/1/15, those same lost who worked the issues of Lord Leon Britten have know our issues and responsibilities since the days of Lady Thatcher how they have/had used and abused it them what their media and so cal c,me forward and explained.} The terrible Medical benchmark involved the long list of many sicknesses, ills and human pain they can unleashed using that infernal satanic rage/crack vibe, cjd mechanism - those who know and counter react. In this instance these are current Ministers using/applying this infernal mechanism it is the same mechanism that saw to it got PM John Major in very big trouble and kick out of Office but this is not what they wrote. Because he had been over abusing it. Using locals, neighbors and all kinds of persons then they all deny their acts and actions. When we address the International court and the European court and the ICC then they say English law rules only we want to get out of the EU Justice system.

Back to the real issues - we have been imputing in many important high issues of the Gulf Region for the past 35 years from an Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary high management those who know the science and work the science/discipline as such was the case with the last Rule of Saudi Arabia those from the era of president Reagan, Bush, Clinton who know of the workings/.

From my/our respective Associates convey our condolence and sincere sympathy to the Saudi nation and the Royal Family, their respective Institutions. Equally on behalf of our greater Sechelles Seychelles exile workings across the world and our EU Community convey our Condolence and respect. The late king had know all the issues of that SIROP program impact and all the new Rulers and heads of government which had been /come about as a result of the impacts and synergy. Equally the debacle of the so call North African Spring.


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Reaktion auf König Abdullahs Tod

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:32 am

Reaktion auf König Abdullahs Tod

Die arabische Welt habe "einen ihrer größten Männer" verloren, so der Tenor der Reaktionen aus der arabischen Welt.

23.01.2015 | 09:52 | (

Die Führer der arabischen Welt haben mit Trauer und Beileidsbekundungen auf den Tod des saudischen Königs Abdullah reagiert. Der König des benachbarten Bahrain, Scheich Hamad, nannte den verstorbenen Monarchen einen weisen Herrscher, der sein Leben seinem Volk, der Nation, der Religion und der Menschlichkeit gewidmet habe, wie die Bahrain News Agency am Freitag berichtete. Bahrain erklärte zudem eine 40-tägige Trauerzeit. Das Königreich ist ein enger Verbündeter Saudi-Arabiens.

Saudiarabien: Die Reform der Theokratie wäre ihre Abschaffung
Der Verstorbene König Abdullah wurde einst als Erneuerer missverstanden. Doch Reform ist in diesem System nicht vorgesehen.


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Hausse des cours du pétrole après le décès d'Abdallah

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:57 am

Hausse des cours du pétrole après le décès d'Abdallah

L'indice américain WTI s'appréciait de plus de 2% à 47,76 dollars le baril dans les premiers échanges. Le Brent a ouvert en hausse de près de 1,5% à 49,10 dollars à 01h00 GMT.

"La peur de l'inconnu va soutenir les prix du pétrole brut", a jugé John Kilduff, partenaire chez Again Capital à New York. "Le roi Abdallah était l'architecte de la stratégie actuelle visant à maintenir une production élevée et à évincer les petits producteurs plutôt que réduire la production".

Les cours du prix du pétrole ont été divisés par plus de deux depuis le plus haut atteint en juin dernier. Cette chute spectaculaire s'explique par une production soutenue et une demande en repli.

L'exploitation du gaz de schiste a fait passer les Etats-Unis de premier importateur mondial de pétrole à celui de producteur influent avec plus de neuf millions de barils produits chaque jour.

Face à cet excédent de l'offre, plusieurs pays producteurs tels que le Venezuela souhaitent que les 13 Etats membres de l'Opep réduisent leur production afin de soutenir le cours des prix.

Malgré cette situation l'Arabie saoudite a annoncé en novembre qu'elle n'entendait pas diminuer sa production à 30 millions de barils par jour.

Christine Lagarde estime que le plan de la BCE ne suffira pas


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty The king is dead

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:44 pm

IT COULD hardly have come at a more challenging time for Saudi Arabia. On January 23rd Saudi state television announced that the 90-year-old ruler King Abdullah had died, nearly a month after being hospitalised for pneumonia. De facto ruler for two decades, Abdullah had nominated his successor, his half-brother Salman (see picture below), who was quickly elevated to king. King Salman's rule may not be long: he is 79 and, some say, suffering from dementia.

Ruling the kingdom is no small job. King Salman has inherited a realm that is the world’s top oil exporter at a time when prices have plunged; is home to Islam’s holiest sites of Mecca and Medina at a time when jihadist violence is at a peak; and has been dragged into turmoil in the region. At home, things are scarcely better: the country of 30m is the only one in which women cannot drive thanks to the struggle between reformists and conservatives. And the public accounts no longer balance without dipping into the country's, admittedly huge, reserves.


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Silence engulfs Riyadh amid day of mourning

Post  Sirop14 Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:33 am

Silence engulfs Riyadh amid day of mourning
Obama calls Salman to personally express condolences and shortens India visit to travel to kingdom

Riyadh: The normally gridlocked streets of the Saudi capital were quiet on Sunday after King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz declared a day of mourning for his predecessor Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, and more foreign leaders made their way to the kingdom.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was travelling to offer condolences to Salman, who acceded to the throne on Friday after Abdullah’s death at the age of 90.

US President Barack Obama announced he would cut short a visit to India to travel to the kingdom on Tuesday.
Saudi Arabia has long been a key US ally and last year joined the US-led coalition carrying out air strikes against Daesh.

King Abdullah death: World leaders gather in Riyadh to offer condolences

Don’t forget the late Saudi King’s ‘jailed’ princesses


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty Saudiarabien: Der abstoßende Magnet

Post  Sirop14 Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:27 am

Riad: Kopf, Wulff kondolieren König Salman

Saudiarabien: Der abstoßende Magnet

Mit Saudiarabien haben Österreich und die Welt so ihre liebe Not. Die Wirtschaft aber schwört auf das Land, das unseren Ölbedarf zu einem Zehntel deckt. Beide haben gute Gründe.

24.01.2015 | 18:44 |  Eduard Steiner  (Die Presse)

Karl-Heinz Strauss gibt sich gern als Kulturdozent. Sich über die Nuancen der einzelnen arabischen Staaten und deren Spielarten islamischer Tradition kundig auszubreiten, fällt dem Chef des österreichischen Baukonzerns Porr sichtlich leicht. Viel Verständnis für die Eigenheiten von arabischer Kultur schwingt da mit, denn man müsse der Gesellschaft in Saudiarabien „Entscheidungsfreiheit und Zeit lassen, um sich zu entwickeln“. Immerhin würden dort große Anstrengungen unternommen, einen Mittelstand aufzubauen, so Strauss. Gewiss, internationale Kritik an den jüngsten Auspeitschungen des islamkritischen Bloggers Raif Badawi sei berechtigt. Aber, dass man in Österreich das internationale Dialogzentrum namens Abdullah mit innersaudischen Politikthemen vermischen wolle, „hat nicht nur mich erstaunt. Auch in Saudiarabien ist man ein bisschen verblüfft. Da wird nur politisches Kleingeld gewechselt“.

Comment - We addressed a somewhat brief comment regarding France and we the great grand children of France in the Indian ocean the past 300 years and our Pied Noire identity.  Saying what institution, discipline/science we have had to develop and put into place to live and survive the region and today our role in Europe, Asia, Gulf Region and Africa. Part of the reason we joined up with Prof Dr Michael Hofmann - Vienna Interdisciplinary Management Institute we those issue and reasons. Including those form L'ena France, Germany or Italy or Switzerland or Spain.

Just as we have 35,000 strong Seychelles community in Australia beside our Mauritius, Reunion relative there, those in South Africa  - we have had to develop our own science/discipline relating our relation  with Asian nation/south Asia, Indian and Pakistan, the Gulf Region in particular, North Africa and Africa. This for the past 300 years.

In as much as we began working those issues in Vienna - the Lady Thatcher Government Officials and her Illuminati be they Templar or Masonic what they knew of those issue and  responsibilities and disciplines - The same of President F Mitterrand an d those who went out of their way to train, educate and pass on their very rich knowledge and understanding of such issues/workings and they also kept one or two eyes on our person and respective issues.

The Vatican High Office have know of those issues too and how they are managed.

What about our Indian ocean Royalty high workings - these are not for the SPPF/PL even if they are the governments they are blasted communists we have worked very to change/bring round to understand those issue and working and the thank you we do not get.

Those in Russia and china who know and understand our working and respective responsibilities even we we do not have big cars, Mansions , expensive cloth, Restaurant and servants. The difference between those Labour party and conservative party officials their very different interpretation and relation to our respective workings and responsibilities.

The high Office of the EU institutions/Europe and pan European Union know and have known some of the Issues beside the international community of Templar, Illuminati and Freemasons.

What about those form Israel.

Equally important from the view of respective USA Head of State and their government - those officials and many personalities who know of our needs, issues in the Indian Ocean, their Knowledge as in Europe to help/enable us to carry our such responsibilities, those in Canada and Quebec

Yet we have the current White House Occupant the person of president Obama inability to grasp all those vase complexities, cultural  and folks tradition and the respective reaction and situation as a result.  It is not up to the White House/UN or EU or African Union to dictate what Tradition of the Templar, Masonic, fraternal and other Illuminati we are to adopt and practice.


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Arabie Saoudite. Qui va succéder au roi Abdallah ? Empty The Old Tradtion Seychelles Club and the Old Merchasnt Families

Post  Sirop14 Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:48 pm

A very good Sunday to you and your Family, Village - in Old Sechelles Seychelles the Tradition - this Sunday,  example the Seychelles Club, be they the Planters or the Colonial administration, those who knew the Tradition, all the Old Merchants Families -  the demise/passing away of  King Fahd of Saudi Arabia - During the Cold War and Communist era the important distinction/line/differentiation, the whole world was made to know,  those who supported our ancient Seychellois workings  and those the Communist, central government and SPPF. The Indian Ocean have evolved greatly since that SIROP program of 1987 and events of 1991. We have helped and contributed to this important evolution and process not State House - the Indian Ocean Region Today. When we say we not confuse- here we are talking of the Seychelles Nation collectively, with their patate, manioque,, quanbar, giromon bannane. galette,  etc.,   Not to forget very many form part of those 25,000 strong community of our in Australia or beside those Canada or USA.

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia was very very aware of the issue of the first Gulf War and that Program  from an Indian Ocean Region prospective.  He played a key role in the equation most senior high personality of the region not just to know be aware of its vast mix and constellation - the many Heads of States in the region who came to power on the back/synergy/dynamic of that Program and events -  how they were managed and supported or challenged. Those European Heads of State who also knew and were aware whatever the media wrote. It is very important /because this influenced the parameters,  developing relation between Seychelles government  and the current Head of State in Qatar  and the large volumes of national and regional debacle associated. The good question what is to follow and to come.

 With President FA Rene even if he treated my person in public like manure - he knew his limitation and knew who were those from our community  who had what connections, abilities which impacted his government and other important issues - not so president J A  Michel - who comports like these "naught English school children with their infernal satanic rage/mad cow mechanism" - the racket they create in the end, the process of harvesting/creaming  information - these children - President J A Michel would like the world believe he knows a very great deal of such workings.  Excuse us Facebook  and thank you - now that we have shared our views we want to see President  J A Michel send him Team to Saudi Arabia, we also know there are those officials form the Gulf Region who reads our post sometime - he will be compel to realigned his Gulf Region politic, the manner he will go about it as" terrible school children who cheat in the class room and then they present themselves as very brilliant school children". Excuse us Facebook and everybody - we have a very terrible storm brewing up  and you the greater public need to know and be aware what you choose to do that is another issue. Our Excuse to Mr Gill for using his space to address this comment.


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