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A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats

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A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats Empty A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats

Post  Sirop14 Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:24 pm

A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats

Signe de l’urgence et de l’ampleur du problème, la crise migratoire, en particulier sous ses aspects économiques et sociaux, a occupé une bonne partie des discussions à Davos mercredi 20 janvier, première journée des travaux du Forum économique mondial.

La directrice générale du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), Christine Lagarde, a présenté un rapport sur la dimension économique de l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe, élaboré, a-t-elle précisé, à la demande des ministres des finances de l’Union européenne (UE), désireux de mettre à contribution l’expertise du Fonds. Formellement qualifiée de « note de discussion », cette étude, qui se base en grande partie sur l’analyse d’expériences passées d’intégration de réfugiés en Europe, souligne le rôle clé joué par leur intégration sur le marché du travail.

Comment - While we listened to that first Seychellois online radio discussion from Montreal/Canada - those that took part in the economic discussions, racing through our mind was the meeting of UAE in Dubai on the Blue Economy and President J A Michel stance. ( How like bandits, sophisticated pirates they are extracting issues form that SIROP program packaging it their b rand and marketing it  and the millions of little fools can  see/understand. They all say they will have nothing to do with my person because we do not hold/have the Doctorate to match our arguments. )

We have addressed how the EU view/sees the situation in Seychelles the past 10 years and they have to use EU Tax Payers money to support our National Budget.  Their efforts to get us to rebuild/reevaluate that SIROP program in line with today's reality.

Part of our travel in 2015 was to look at the requirement, resources and those who would participate - last week offer that a delegation from the Opposition meet with u in Europe to discuss that Portal impact with the EU Commission - some of those same individual forming part of a European/world wide discussion/meeting platform to rebuild that SIROP program.

Why Davos - we do not give a toss if those who attend their pizza cost Euro 25 and the massive expenses - What they church  - in 2007/8 when they had gathered the forecast a bright economic future for the world and one week later we had the biggest global meltdown.

That Portal impact when it was working the past 10 years - how those the many who attends Davos just thieve, rob and pirate information because they are big, powerful and famous they can do anything - the world is not made up of just them. Since it going down the markets have lost some $400 billions and yet the so call experts what they are manuring others with.

That same bunch had picked up that there was going to be a meeting in Brussels for the SIROP program  and how they had expected/hoped to cream the dynamic/information and invent their global new growth package.

The real issues is the exile/refugee at the core of that SIROP program - we just cannot understand Chancellor Merkle logic anymore - it is going to end very badly.

They are building a massive new canter for the German Intelligence Service - the need to remind them they never got to know everything about Cold War USSR, COMECON and Germany Unification  until too late. They never knew what they know about that SIROP program until we published it.

This historic program was incepted/thought out in Europe  involving some of the greatest minds and personalities and their institutions - had it not been for that Seychelles, and the rest of the world would have never changed. We are not about to change our mind - direction and start inventing just to please a few individuals who will have to leave Office sooner or later.  Somebody will come along and start inventing new arguments and discussions.

Back in 1987 when we incepted and deployed then future world multinational, global corporate workings, new businesses and Finance model we did not go to Davos, ask for their views and support we thought it out and deployed them. They then turn round and starting claiming credits and inventing and they have been caught time and time again inventing.

Just a brief example - Deutsche Bank used to have a massive operation in London we were/had been involved in building this - this is how we know. We have been involved in many of the thematic of the cut backs - beside other big banks. Had we to re host that portal using a German Hosting group and Data in Strasbourg the impact on not just Germany economic  and fiscal politic  that of it central banks and big banks - when you have a system that can lend to such impact you respect and collaborate when require. They/this does not belong to Seychelles government or its diplomatic networks.

Beside the issues of the Deutsche Bank - there are supposed specialist in Davos who study synergistic discipline - our historic visit to East Berlin since the Fall of the Wall and Germany Reunification - the impacts and yet none of then sees fit to discuss and raise this. Then blame the exile/refuge they are just pawn being used in this super mess. We can make a long list of events  and topics.

All those present and involved in Davos - they are on about integration of Migrants and exiles - we worked some 15 years with then President Mitterrand, Thatcher and Andreotti that in Rome and Maastricht a special recognition be included in the EU ethnic greater workings laws that we be allowed/authorized to manage our great European ancestral heritage and such workings - admittedly this may never apply to North African, Gulf region exile/refuge this is what make us very unique in Europe. ( The current Conservative government endeavoring to change/revert all these  which they will never achieve not as long the Sun shine and the moon shine and the Stars.) The important need/requirement for everybody when dealing with our thematic to remember specially those from Africa, Asia, the Gulf Region and China, former East European Communist countries. .

Who is to stop is from hosting that portal in China or Russia.

This situation in not just Davos, Paris, Strasbourg, Calais/Lille, in Normandy where we started Hosting discussion and a new portal - look at Angers, the very many impacted and contribution to developing a modern angers - no mention or credit to u  and yet we can/could have helped.

25th Anniversary of the first Gulf War - 25th years since that SIROP program arrived in Angers - the Epstine/Beloff old suitcase, the Delsey and Samsonite suitcase from Selfridges in London. Multi party announcement return in Sechelles Seychelles by President F A Rene


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Join date : 2008-06-02

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A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats Empty France: Hollande’s travails

Post  Sirop14 Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:16 pm

France: Hollande’s travails

Anne-Sylvaine Chassany

After reinventing himself as a ‘wartime’ leader’ the president has to revive the economy to win a second term


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A Davos, l’intégration des réfugiés en Europe au centre des débats Empty It was a privilege to meet Radyo Divan Sanzman team on Sunday.

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:48 pm

It was a privilege to meet Radyo Divan Sanzman team on Sunday.

Jean N Payet
January 19 at 12:26pm · Montreal, QC, Canada
It was a privilege to meet Radyo Divan Sanzman team on Sunday.
My friend, started SNN as an eye opener, and today I have put a mouth with it, we will continue making known of things which are unfair and needed to be fixed, we embrace all our Seselwa people, it does not matter your political beliefs, what matters is our welfare.
SNN displays the issues and RDS voice the issue, and together we will expose not all bur most corruptions and unfairness.
S all my Seselwa feel free...
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Good Friday folks/friends in Montreal - have lost the the second broadcast - In Davos this Friday their agenda completely off course and the main topic the exile/refugee situation in Europe and the world. For some 20 years have been pleading for the setting up of a Two Tier Assembly in Seychelles - meanwhile many countries that have adopted this Democratic mechanism - Former Minister David Joubert strongly supporting it. President J A Michel his good wife left him over the burning issues. The world have pushed and pushed that we adopt these mechanism and yet - there are many important advantages - one of them if and when the SPPF/PL goes in Opposition - they will cause and create a messy Opposition - as wise politicians what you do you create the space, the political possibilities for them t remain fully engage and committed and this in the from of a Senate with an Upper and Lower Assembly . Had this structure been in place the politic of Seychelles would have been very different today - much more important the debate/the contents of that International debate on our economy and regional working would have been very different - the world is watching and monitoring us - we are using their Tax money and it is their Rights. Mr Tex and Principal person for this Radio project would you show distinction even if it is not your cup of Tea allow and encourage national and global debate on this important topic - come a few years down the Road you will come to respect and appreciate this decision. Do not wait for riot to start and more exile/refugees from Seychelles created - Hon Wavel Wankalawan should have included this in his Manifesto if he was/i at all serious. Thank you. We trust the French , USA, EU and UN High Authorities will get to read this post.

Migration and terror: time for a sensible debate?

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For the past three years we have been getting a large number of Individual coming form Normandy to support many aspects of Seychelles and Indian Ocean workings - We cannot/should not blame and accuse our own when you have groups such as these who refuse to take due note - how many Seychelleois know that my person have been importantly responsible for Some of the leading Agenda debates at Davos the past 10 years - this is not some kind of invention or creation an what it takes. Meaning we have acquired experience when we advice on something - we are not using you as experiments.

Davos 2016 live: European Union faces 'grave danger' from migrant crisis warns French prime minister

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By the way we addressed the topi of Minister Adam in Berlin for the Presidential his address - J A Michel, you the leaders of the Opposition you watch the same TV as we do in Europe, the statement coming out of Davos that Europe and the world is in very grave trouble and we need/require some feed back to rehost that Seychelles EU portal, the ECB statement and Chancellor Merkle situation - the attitude in Seychelles force/compel other to become desperate/exasperated and use awful language and insults - we have Department of the Police and Army involved in Intelligence in Seychelles - that portal can create and have created so much taboo and troubling issues and loss of lives than that Indian Patrol Boat can save, yet all of you gathered at that function for the handing over - were is you brain and minds, Unless in Europe they are Toulon and you in Seychelles are the only Intelligent beings. After you have manured up properly then go to Europe, their Tax payers and ask them to come and pay for the cleanup - your reached mess. We have covered the China - Russia situation and Europe Market linked with that portal project, the past three weeks since it is offline - some $700 billions in China alone in Europe the markers have lost $3/400 billions - that little Indian Patrol Boat is more important.  ( Building/putting that Portal project  was not accident - the many Illuminati  Institutions of Europe involved and the Royal Illuminati and the Church, other Institutions their Illuminati workings, respective disciplines - we/I had to take into consideration, what you the people read is very different to the real application and function of the Illuminati, associated disciplines  - the EU Commission proper do not have adequate regulatory and control measures on their respective workings. We have been very aware and keep up to date with the respective developments. This in itself ought   to frighten the life out of any uneducated/unlearned/unknowledge - we have been managing those issues for our respective communities the past 36 years.It is a very unique project for those who know about it ) This is why the African Union, the Commonwealth and the Arab Leagues/Gulf nations and India do not like this portal.


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