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Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals

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Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals Empty Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals

Post  Sirop14 Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:34 am

Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals

Pope Francis will appoint 17 new cardinals in November, including three from the U.S. and a number from the developing world, a move that reflects his goal of rebalancing the college of cardinals toward regions where Catholicism is growing fastest, as well as his preference for liberals over conservatives.

The new U.S. cardinals, who are the first from the country to be named by Pope Francis, include the archbishops of Chicago and Indianapolis and a former bishop of Dallas. The pope will also elevate to cardinal the Vatican’s envoy to what he called “beloved and martyred Syria.”

With this batch of cardinals, Pope Francis will have nominated more than a third of the men whose most important task is the election of a new pope.


Of the 17 new cardinals named, 13 are under the age of 80 and so will qualify as electors.

Pope Francis made the announcement to a crowd in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, saying he would elevate the men to the rank of cardinal at a ceremony on Nov. 19.

He said the international nature of his choices—from 11 countries on five continents—reflects a church that is witness to the “mercy of God in every corner of the world.”

The group includes the first cardinals in history from Bangladesh, the Central African Republic, Lesotho, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

The cardinal designate from the Central African Republic, Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga of Bangui, was born in 1967, which will make him the youngest member of the College of Cardinals.

These new appointments will bring the number of cardinal electors to 121, including Cardinal Théodore-Adrien Sarr of Dakar, who reaches the age of 80 on Nov. 28. His birthday will then bring the number down to the limit of 120 established by Pope Paul VI.

Pope Francis names 13 new cardinals, including papal envoy to Syria
New cardinals also include archbishops of Chicago and Indianapolis in move sending signal pope ‘values pastors focused more on mercy than morals’

Pope sends US church message with cardinal choices

Cardinalat – Allocution de Mgr Maurice E. Piat à la nation


We have not been as active/warm with Vatican high officials since the election of Pope Francis in our own way those who know the long working interfaith and interdisciplinary working with Vatican such as pope John Paul ll and Pope Benedict. We have gone to Angers and address the Church high officials and our attempt to work with Emmaus our motive and reasons. Those in Strasbourg and Berlin the Evangelical/Protestant.

Those who quarried had we been able to hold a gathering last November on the future of that SIROP program how we would have interacted with the Vatican and they with that Program -

We have remarked about the weak dynamic of the three mega UN gathering and their declaration on world migrant and refugee.

The Gathering in Vienna of the EU high Officials and the EU Africa declaration on Migrant, Refugees and sustainable development.

In Seychelles we have had the Mauritius Bishop and his role and function in our politic and economy, development and bodies he was elected to serve on by the President J A Michel - why. For a very long time have been stating and writing to the world given our Indian Ocean Arcadian, heritage, Illuminati - Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion, the COI nations those in Mauritius who pretend they know nothing about that historic program how it benefited Mauritius development and economy and those who jut invent and Mauritius media.

With political development in Seychelles, resignation of President J A Michel - the important Arab and EU Involvement in our regional issue, now that Mauritius Bishop have been elevated to Cardinal, he will have to react and acknowledge what that SIROP program was /is all about.

Much more given/since pope Francis have stipulated/stated these appointment is more about faith in practice than moral - the current global situation politic and in particular the mega exile/refugees challenge and situation. We would have loved to write abort the real role of Vatican in the SIROP program in deep respect for Pope John Paul ll - his Office have refrained. We have through film., books and media tried to share some of the issue. The global economic dynamic/synergy constellation, equation, mathematics is very much weaker than that of 1986 SIROP - the world will require and need more faith in action to overcome and solve some of the very big challenge.

We trust the SPPF/PL, would be president Danny Faure, the National Assembly , the Justice system of Seychelles and the other Opposition and NGO will get to read this comment.


Posts : 26824
Join date : 2008-06-02

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Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals Empty À L’ÉVÊCHÉ HIER APRÈS-MIDI : « Li pa zis pou mwa me pou zot tou » selon Mgr Piat

Post  Sirop14 Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:48 am

À L’ÉVÊCHÉ HIER APRÈS-MIDI : « Li pa zis pou mwa me pou zot tou » selon Mgr Piat

L’évêque de Port-Louis sera nommé officiellement le 19 novembre lors d’un Consistoire (réunion de cardinaux convoquée par le pape)

CARDINAL PIAT : Présence subtile, mais efficace

Aucun sujet, soit-il le plus litigieux, de la cause créole à la corruption en passant par les Chagos, n’a laissé le 11e évêque de Port-Louis insensible


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Join date : 2008-06-02

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Pope Francis to Appoint 17 New Cardinals Empty La vocation de l’église est d’être au service de Maurice, a déclaré le cardinal Piat

Post  Sirop14 Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:06 am

AU VATICAN : La vocation de l’église est d’être au service de Maurice, a déclaré le cardinal Piat
L’élévation de l’évêque de Port-Louis, Maurice Piat, au rang de cardinal lors du consistoire d’hier au Vatican a été un moment d’extrême fierté pour tous les Mauriciens même si c’est la deuxième fois...

CARDINAL MAURICE PIAT : Pousser vers le large toujours avec vous et jamais sans vous
Onzième évêque de Port-Louis, cela fait 25 ans cette année que le cardinal Maurice Piat est à la tête du diocèse catholique local. Successeur du...


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Join date : 2008-06-02

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