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Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.

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Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.  Empty Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.

Post  Sirop14 Fri May 15, 2020 4:38 pm

Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy. The fund should come on top of the EU’s next long-term budget and focus on climate:seedling:, digitalisation :robot: and a new EU health programme:pill:. Find out more :arrow_right:


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Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.  Empty Re: Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.

Post  Sirop14 Sat May 16, 2020 8:30 am

Late  yesterday evening after the news that the EU parliament had voted for the Euro 2 Trillions economic rebuilding program,   those driving up and down, had Britain stayed in the Block what this would have meant, had they stayed this very grave crises would not have resulted.. How those driving up and down the road would have use that excessive satanic mechanism to leverage, drive and synergized this process, announcement then what the TV, Radio and press write. . The resentment, hate and vexation combined Resulting - in spite of the indescribable pandemic, 300000, killed, dead and the grief,  traumas let alone the mega economic, social and political fallout - those radical Conservative  who have taken to unleashing that infernal satanic mechanism on my person,  beside attempting to cause maximum damage to my health and functionality to influence events  surrounding that announcement, the issues involved,  the media and politic. Render cause me incapable to think normally.

This 10th week  Saturday of lock down  in Europe the churches, synagogues, mosque. In Seychelles Mauritius, Reunion, the USA, Australia.

We thank the Truth Commission officials for reading our post, others in Seychelles. . Given our many statements the past 30 years  - we,  that SIROP program did not want a change Seychelles to  be aligned to the USA or East Block or Africa instead the EU Democratic collective workings. What this major announcement will mean for the Nations of the Indian ocean relation with EU and the rest of the world the next 5 years economic wise in particular. Again our many pleas to you the Truth Commission work, address the issues of that historic SIROP program you will help the world from a 3rd world war,  contribute importantly to EU economic safeguard and the rest of the world and enlighten the rest of the world on what really took place as against the one sided write up , publications.  The high officials and parties from the USA who will be displeased at the announcement,  refer to the media issues the past 7 years  those who promote the idea of EU break up and meltdown, confrontation - yet they talk of peace and saving the world. .

We appreciate the collective decision of the EU Parliament to vote this Reconstruction Agenda,  our pleas equally,  given the complexities of that SIROP program from inception the past 32 years all those European leading statesman alive,  their politics vision for Europe. . Yesterday we address the death of one of the grand children of the Hapsburg tragic death, the Russian nobility living in the USA. It is very strange how things have evolved and nobody learns,  obviously what had caused and led to the demise of the Royal families of Russia,  East Europe and France. Greater and more important issues  we have  worked with them and the development of Russia, East Europe, the USA and world, their EU relevant , Jurisdiction and legislation. . All those who had contributed and impute in that SIROP process then 1985 world of cold War and economic and political situation,   the media.

Back when President Bill Clinton was elected and came to office our grave concern for that SIROP program future, fate, consequences,  the recklessness of politicians and their workings. Then 1983/4 onward -- those alive who had inquired how were we to safeguard all the information of what took place this required some form of library and information system to be setup, put in place, the Mitterrand people, the Kohl, Vatican, Italy and Belgium, Austrian  those East Europe politicians. Then Folkestone and Dover their libraries and IT, their council officials and the police. Not just then London, the NGO's, in Europe then NGO's, the USA across Europe, south /Africa, Australia, Canada, Latin America, Russia, East Europe,  the USA who had reasonable knowledge who we were and what we represented, the important dynamic of that program, capacity. The response Wikipedia inception.

We want to explain share with the world, remind them of the state of the world then (Our exiles had been arriving in Europe from 1977, the address to the French and British or Irish.  We the Seychelles people did not come from Saturn or Jupiter,  our ancestor were french and as such their history and exiles and Revolutions, the very make up of the  British nation,  people and royalty.) We had read from then available libraries information, publications and special bodies of the state of exiles, migration and deportation of then USSR, the COMECN, China , Latin america, Africa oppositions,  normal citizens their fate  and how we began to forge links, associated workings. Given the Wikipedia issues - in 1985 specific the USA,  the many ethnic communities living in exile from former East Europe and the USSR, their counterparts in European cities, Britain and France workings. The current administration will take very poor view of this statement - from the inception of that SIROP program it was not just the white House involved, the Senate and the Intelligence Service. There were several important groups entities,  opposing Communism then. Their sub workings,  we had sufficient knowledge of their workings in Europe and the USA. We knew of the impacting capacity of that SIROP program if it could be implemented affecting the lives and workings of  those who had come, migrated from former USSR soon after the second world war, the COMECON until recent events of 1989 the Berlin Wall.  We had been working with some of the France associations in the USA and Quebec include their#Arcadia and Illuminati workings. The need to say the difference between the incoming communities from the USSR for 1950 onward their vast history and the French nation  active participation, the wars,  played a key role in building the USA as Nation, System , institutions, constitutions, legislation and Power we were very warn and President Reagan officials knew all about it. Beside  we had a community of Seychelles families  married to  ex or ongoing  UASF, PanAM, Philco Ford technicians.

Google search,  is not producing the search we want for the USA of detail of then ethnic communities breakdown from then former USSR, the COMECON. It offers books and extracts and this requires reading and rewriting  the article all together.  There are scant publication again Wikipedia,  publication of the USSR USA migration politic after the second world war, influencing the political decisions, and one can make a fairly good picture of the- prevailing ethnic communities presence and living condition,  working,  society form then 1950 to 1989 when upon the fall of the Berlin wall and Germany Reunification the explosion of politician ideas and concepts. From  the US influencing events in their respective countries of origins as did in Seychelles, Madagascar, and#Africa. These issue do not just go away we prefer to  say they have to be managed and managed intelligently with the due benchmark. It played a vital role in the rebuilding of Europe, the Europa of today and the future and those calling for its destruction and breakups madness and lunacy.  Hence our statement the need requirement for due reporting of that SIROP Program  - all those failing,  the role of that Truth Commission.

( There are, must be may human alive who remembers then Cold War Indian Ocean Situation, the America, Canada, the Gulf Nations India and Pakistan - asking the UN UNIDO/world Bank to help put in place a CARICOM body organisation that way the extremities of governments would have to be curtailed , they would have to comport, they would have to be made accountable. Instead then Europe who supported such an idea in the Indian ocean Region, it was like facing Goliath the Giant then Communism. We had asked of the UN officials if there was no way they could intervene in Seychelles then 1978, their reply. The initial research and events the foundation of the Indian ocean Commission it was not started by the UN they were independent initiatives, based, driven, motivated upon our ancestral values, Arcadian 'rights] and Illuminati. What it /this took and the process, it was not achieved in one day, but years, it took a lot of sweat, blood and tears, grit, pain, sacrifices. As the EU vote for that Euro 2 Trillions rebuilding package expect them to remember, not just empty publications, the brutal reality then, and the process, not where diplomat eat their nice food and have their nice drinks and nice hotel. Those on the battle field who fought and the lies and disparity, no stability in the Region Europeans as such will not exist - that NEOM thematic )

It takes and requires major incident or situation for those to admit the problematic in ethnic community relation in Britain how they get treated are treated. This CORONA virus pandemic publications.

Eastern Bloc emigration and defection

During Last Mass Migration, Europeans Were the Immigrants
Fifty-five million people left Europe, and they encountered some of the same heartbreaking problems as today's refugees.

Escape from East Berlin


Eastern European Immigration

Polish/Russian - Soviet Exiles - Immigration...- Classroom ...


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Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.  Empty Re: Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.

Post  Sirop14 Mon May 18, 2020 9:39 am

May we share our thoughts with our Little friend this Monday as Europe and world battle with CORONA virus pandemic. . Last night we took the time to watch 4 time the Documentary "Quest for the lost Tribe of Israel" - Grandpa Sir James religious values. There are certainly several videos, point of view on this burning topic out there on the web. What is important is that when   those French East Indies Company set up business in Bombay they must have know of he Israeli Arcadian historic issues, that particular Tribe had sailed Syria/Iran then from exile to Bombay, other books relate  their existence being there. Please look closely at the emblem of that SIROP program and the large Israelis community in France during the reign of King Louis and long before him, those Israeli from  a particular Tribe with wealth noble who had fled to Arcadian  Europe. Looking at Sir James Mancham son today as against when we wrote that SIROP program, the  many Jewish communities their ancestral Tribes  in Britain, those who had knowledge and then, their respective issues and that SIROP program conception, From the powerful multinational / Noble families to  Tribes settled in Britain and elsewhere- as  have been  documented and so much that program have refused to  publish, that Truth Commission,   the Lehman Brothers debacles , come the WWW that was not a Jewish thing. The greater thoughts behind  that project, spiritual wise - yet how after its arrival the major help it gave to share the knowledge of the Arcadian, ancient Israel nation -the lost Tribe, those who converted to Muslim , Christian to survive in instances - Sir James and his political colleges inquired of our faith in exile. That Program played a key role in changing the Communist system and had it not change the political and military system prevailing then Cold War. This created a new dimension and scope for the Israeli Tribes in exiles.  Those who entertained the vision of Israel lost Tribes  returning to Israel proper chances remote and the Biblical prophecy. The Adventist  and other Church sermons on  the topic. ( Then Sirs James living in Exile opening his Bank account at Lloyd on Edgware Rd  and leaving his business correspondence, together we had a meal there once close by and when  the big mes up took place with COUNTRY life , and the New Gallery 123 Regent Str and Lady Thatcher , the SDA General Conference we contributed to the acquisition of the synagogue close to his Lloyd Bank,  What became the Advent Centre at Crawford Place and the many churches that grew from that Centre/church) That SIROP program had catered after political change  for the return of the Seychelles exiles/refugees and supporting program this did  not happen only 200 families return  from the 20,000 living in exiles and the Seychelles today some near 30,000 foreigners. 25 years we have battled with this issues may be we have not been aggressive enough, promoting and lecturing, the role of President FA Rene and Sir James.  ( When that documentary December 2003 was made PM Blair in Office, his Chancellor  and events in Britain, the many leading Jewish families and multinational issues, Lehman Brothers in the Seychelles workings,  the Indian ocean, the New Labour politic and Europe, the USA, In December 2004 came to Seychelles with my youngest son to introduce him to the family  and people , our exiles communities. I also brought home a number of Jewish /Israel religious object which I left in the care of my mother and gifted other relatives,  the big why - Had the leading Print House, the Gopal Family helped edit that Community Coat of Arms and made a T shirt and gifted it to President FA Rene via his Lawyer then President F A Rene and Sir James alive, the money issues,  those involved including the UAE officials.  That December /January the mega earthquake and Tsunami, had also brought the video of the Lord of the Ring ) The  Seychelles communities settle across the world,  their view of the future of their country.   Today  Some information,  events,  development surrounding  the Sacred lost Tribes of Israel - like the Seychelles exiles/refugees  have returned to Israel proper, the history and story promoted by their  government and media  and how they got, are treated treated.  I have mentioned this very often. We have now that SIROP -NEOM and this process the next 25 years,  by then Sir James Mancham son will have a big beard. The past 30 years since that SIROP program inception the very difficult moment the world, humanity have experienced gone through. What will the world be like.



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Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.  Empty Re: Parliament is calling for a €2 trillion Covid-19 recovery package to reboot Europe’s economy.

Post  Sirop14 Thu May 21, 2020 10:34 am

We ask readers to refer to the above thread this 21/05/20. For the past 5 days focusing on aspect of our Jewish, Israel workings, in the Indian ocean since our ancestors founded those Colonies,  our ancestral workings in France,  rest of the world, their faith,  belief, church  in relation to the Truth Commission and the CORONA virus debacles. Instead it is triggering a more health problematic situation, concern - the decision to share it.

We have watched the videos,   Secrets Of Christianity - 104 - The Lost Voyage Of Jesus, Simcha Jacobovici – The Lost Gospel, Jesus's Lost Tomb (Biblical Documentary) | Timeline, The Conspiracy Of Mary Magdalene (Secrets of the Cross Documentary) | Timeline.  Also referred to other online publications,  information.

Just like, as those who wrote the Bible, Holy Scripture and over the centuries those who believed  its contents, Source and spiritual inspiration until other lights were shed. Historical facts and archaeology evidences. Nations gone to wars, roles, motives and function in evolution, development and faith of mankind, existence. The arrival of the WWW its important role and contributions to shedding a great deal of light, illuminate, the vast amounts of information and publications one can access - including special archives, libraries, museums and researches. The many Church and denominations who would have their congregation believe that Jesus never left the Holy land in his Ministry, evidence that he Ministered in Spain, India, Travelled to Egypt. How those Nations where he travelled views his person and His Ministry. The many version of his Trial, then Rome and Israel. The Issue of the 10 Lost Tribes then Israel , his crucifixion, death and the many versions and Resurrection, the many versions. The early Church start and the many versions and the Church the past 2000 years.

When we decided to leave Seychelles for Exile in 1977, we had prayed with the families, pastor and the eventual decision going to exile Austria with my Austrian family - what if we/I had know the contents of those publication and videos, how this would have impacted, influenced my decision,  faith, and  belief.  Including Sir James Mancham and President FA Rene, our politicians, Seychelles Cold war politic and church values and workings.

It was that same faith , belief  based upon the Bible, scripture contents the decision to go to Salzburg from Tirol and from Salzburg to Vienna.  The Adventist Church in Salzburg, the Protestant and the Catholic,  the University. Getting to know one of Salzburg leading contemporary psychologist and the life issues we shared with him and his colleagues and his view as leading  University psychologist.

The objective we had decided to go to Vienna in-spite of  the challenges we would have to face , choosing a less stressy life instead. That,  our  faith based upon the contents of the Bible,  scripture we had been born with, raised with, educated upon influencing many decisions we took, had to take - getting to know the Adventist community in Vienna and Prof Dr Hofmann. ( I Seychelles those Adventist who attended the Seminary  in Mauritius and the relatives had wanted me to become a Priest,  the Bugema College /Uganda instead become an Interdisciplinary Management Executive. In Seychelles those Seychellois catholic or Protestant who joined or  studied the Priest hood)  The politic of Cold War have been were importantly impacted by the  scripture, Bible contents. The Issues of the election of Pope John Paul. He was elected pope by the second papal conclave of 1978. The Big why he was elected.

Here we address all those alive and their children or close ones who remembers Vienna/Austria  1978, our Hon Consul Dr Karl Pisec. That same year had become acquainted with Mr /Engineer Gerhard Fritscher,  his company then All Round Gesmbh.,  office next to Singer Sewing Machine company  in Vienna. Then Cold War Vienna , situation in Seychelles , Paris, London, Rome,  Bonn, Berlin, Moscow. In particular the Indian Ocean  situation, geo politics and now that Truth Commission.  In Office at the time the Chancellor Dr Bruno Kreisky and the Austrian President and the diplomatic establishment, the Old  UNIDO office not far from the Royal Palace. We had gone to live in Vienna July 1978 and lived in an apartment belonging to my then Wife family. The apartment overlook the Kurrier Building.  That same year took contact with then UNIDO in Vienna and was introduced to the Person of  Mr David Rakotopare,  then Indian ocean Regional Executive for UNIDO/World Bank. He had been an ex Malagasy Central Bank Director.,  Ex in Law of then President of Madagascar. We  discussed the situation in Seychelles,  then Dr Maxime Ferrari as Minister for Development and Planning. Beside his person In inquired if there was nothing the UNIDO/World Bank can do,  the UN to help the situation in then Seychelles, reverse it , their views.  I had been in contact with former Minister David Joubert then in London.   I had been attached with three or four financial entities in Vienna learning the rudiment, rope of finance, Insurance and Investment, Credit, Commodities, Time Sharing, Leasing, Mortgage   Management.

In 1979 when the New VIC was Inaugurated,  I had be working for SGS/Control Co Vienna,  My contract started in January and ended in July or  the other way round, and stayed on as freelance for SGS until December 1979/80. That July,  August beside discussion with Mr Rokotopare had began drafting, working out the idea for an Indian Ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Centre  - I never shared these,  there were several leading Austrian who had inspired, motivated us. The Austrian Neutral politic,   their field of work and specialist. Then Indian ocean and Austria Neutrality and the Cold War, those form the SA Embassy and media we were in contact with . Meanwhile we had moved out of the Family apartment facing the Kurrier and bought an apartment in a village called Hinterbruhl 1978 Autumn. My colleagues adviced on some of the complex issues,  they specialises in property mortgage and finance, tax, Insurance. Why we had decided to go and stay in Hinterbruhl, We both had a car, mine was a white Triumph 2000 TC like Sir James Mancham had one and Minister Chamery Chetty  and drove to the Train Station to catch the Train to Vienna, the same process back. If one read Wikipedia they do not mention this, Hinterbruhl  had been one of the elite Residential Area for Affluent and Rich Jews, come the Nazi era their properties were confiscated and their  fate,  instead the Senior German officers moved in their homes and the history of the very big underground cave, lake and the manufacture of war Planes. The village had been famous for the  German Composer, France Shubert,  who had lived there and composed,  the Castle among the film set the three Musketeers 1989 version , its forest and the SOS Kinderdorf. I used to get up 6 am and go jogging and then catch the train to work. In the Town of Modling,  the famous crane company Leibherr had their Head quarter. In the basement of the Church they had a very large collection of skulls. Our Son was then 4/5 years old. The Mother worked for the Company Eumig in Vienna.

One of the major reason for my family breakup was over finance and our position in Vienna compared to Seychelles and the lifestyle we had enjoyed. The accusation I was having an affair was wrong. Yes I was friendly with the wife or former wife of All Round company, his then Family, Mr Gerhard Fritscher - we had, were acquainted it was after my divorce that I entered into relationship, the Vienna Jewish community, the police and diplomacy with her not before. If I wanted to get rid of cobwebs would call the many girls in Vienna, some nice some very bad.  This is very important - my ex wife family had reasonable good position in Vienna was aware of the need to comport my person. That was not the issues, the issues my upbringing. If had wanted to wok for a UNIDO/World Bank, there are personal bench mark one must maintain. Those you come into contact and have to associate with. Beside Judge Stiven had a good reputation in Seychelles and Zanzibar, East Africa and Jamaica colonial wise. I had become embroiled in other issues beside my work , exile politic in Vienna and the COMECON, The Vatican and Italy issues.  I had joined Prof Dr Hofmann IMI. What we discussed about Seychelles and the Indian ocean, they got reported the government and Police - I had also taken contact with the Kenya /East Africa officer Austria Trade and what we talked about. He was a friendly official.  

When anybody get to promote and research in the UNIDO libraries and information system, you get watched and monitored, the CIA, the British, the Israeli, the French, Soviet, OAU spies in then Vienna. I had decided to write the concept of an Indian Ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Centre - I had been advised not to write the political motives  for those who knew the greater idea. If we could not get the UN and others to intervention in the Seychelles situation and the region, by setting up such a body when working with the international communities and nations, national institutions for investment, its complexities, they impacts, their politic and economic working and questioned aspect of their politics and benchmark, those would bring some form of regulatory mechanism in place which just did not prevail and exist then in the Indian ocean. One had to have a good understanding of then Regional workings, politics and economic issues, institutions which I did then. I have address the issue of the Red Brigade and the BarderMein Hoff and Seychelles Issues, Bilateral workings, networks then. Then Iran, Iraq and South Africa situation, then Embargo. The Company All Round Gesmbh., beside its Construction speciality had other commercial interests. Because of the Indian ocean, those who have written their one side politic - then Israel, Palestinian and Egypt, Libya, those African nation of the OAU>.  Because of this CORONA virus pandemic way back in Vienna beside Seychelles Judge Stiven had been educated on impacting science and with Prof Hofmann learnt a great deal more, the Academic side, disciplines, aspects - meaning that if one had to create the equivalent of the CARICOM, the many impacting issues and its management from small nations to the regional and international entities - which I also had a good grasp then 1979.  The Issues of then President Qaddafi, the Journalist who interviewed him, we became friend/acquainted, Ms Renate Posarnick somebody the Headline she made, whatever became of her, in fact it was because she was the caused/cited of/in my divorce. We had been involved in issues and had watched, monitored their impacts and fall outs, the Austrian government officials knew and were aware.

Come the announcement of the discovery of the Tomb of Jesus family March 1980, by the construction company. Those investments and development companies we had worked and associated with in Vienna. How synergy, dynamics works and then what get publish. Those who have said over the years that President FA Rene and Sir James Mancham were great Illuminati, the Italian, British and French, managing the various relevant bilateral geopolitical issues from Europe, Vienna which can, would impact the Seychelles and Region. Over the past 40 years of working respective high Interdisciplinary management issues which have impacted Israelis nation, its politic and other government decision and what have gotten publish. We ask those to refer to the time we lived in Hinterbruhl, then Vienna Jewish and other Jewish issues, that famous undersea cave, political and economic fallout then and long after. That Winter January my wife had started, began divorce process. I had been staying alone in the family property, she separately in another small village. I had been against that divorce. Mrs Jumpelt that Autumn had come to visit us from Bad Ibling, Germany. Working the issues of that Indian ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Centre. My then wife did not understand what was going on, she had worked in Seychelles, Rhodesia, Lebanon and Tunisia , her families and others, Sir James Mancham people in London did not know what the issues where. I knew what was going in Seychelles, the setting up of the Central Bank, the SIM, Development Bank proposal and the Offshore, other major financial issues, project financing driven, leveraged by events in Vienna you do not normally tell your wife.  You have to live with your crap, come to terms. When that Jesus family Tomb was first discovered, announced, then Vienna, Dr Kreisky government, the politicians and institutions and other news paper, some can research how it was explained. The phenomena, the Church explanation and events, later in 1994 the major issues and publications, explanations. Today what this have come to mean for the Catholic Church and the Churches around the world. These are evidence that cannot be refuted, just ignored.  I have been reading the history of the COI at Wikipedia what they have written and the way its has been written. That COI rather, its then research had a very important impacting upon the discovery of that Jesus Family Tomb. ( The messy situation in the USSR, then Warsaw Pact, Africa, the Gulf Region, conflicts, what the US, west media were writing ) We have worked and monitored numerous associated, such phenomena , Cave Paintings, earth and planetary discovery. Meanwhile the issue of the SIROP Program, return of those Lost Tribes of Israel impact on Israel today and future, the mega Holocaust compensation, the many synagogues rebuild and those Jewish multinational associated with that SIROP program.  That WWW project, the light it had helped to shine on the Israel history and events the past 6,000 years. What this NEOM is all about .

The Jesus Family Tomb -

Indian Ocean Commission -


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