Seychelles EU Connection
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Post  Sirop14 Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:38 pm

LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS EN DIRECT - Attentat contre Charlie Hebdo en plein Paris : douze morts, dont Cabu et Wolinski

Charlie Hebdo : hommage à Cabu, Charb, Tignous et Wolinski[facebook]

“In a moment where the values of our society are attacked by terrorists,” says Parliament president Martin Schulz in a video message, “we should stick together to defend those values.” Read the full statement @

Comment - Several years ago under then PM Blair the mega global debacle of Terror Legislation in EU and the world - what we have been writing since - those who use and abuse their Powers and set in motion issues and what they trigger and then those who dare come forward and make such statements - Mr Martin Shultz ought to remember those issues - over the past 10 years in German/Austrian Universities those who have taken time and efforts to Research in the phenomena and abuse of what those Term Terrorism - it is plain use and abuse of that "infernal Satanic rage/CJD/Mad cow phenomena by certain - for this reason we worked and fought that the ICC came into being remember the Yugoslav war - think very hard you out there and Ukraine last year. . The devastation and destruction everywhere. Why those use and abuse this infernal mechanism.

18.03 pm - Comment
What a media circus - those politicians because they control power, they think they can forever tell their lies - the world have evolved where by even the humblest reptile/insect and children sit them quietly will know a very great deal of the world and their environment - yet the comportment of those leading politicians. This is why this situation have gone on - in France "the use and abuse of that infernal satanic rage/mad cow mechanism/phenomena" has been dampen down - the white populace have come to recognize it for what ti is. Beside the media. In Britain those instead who go about every year reinventing, new technique associated and more evil. On the streets specially. We almost forget the TV, Radio.

Comment -
French Intelligence Service ought to find out what triggered this carnage - they have the discipline and science. In forensic/para-science there are methods and modes to retrace and find out what really happened what/who were those involved anywhere in the world. That was part of our Training 30 years ago. From the very negative and painful aspect many be something good may come out - we addressed some 30 email just before to end of 2014 in France to the many organisation and sub bodies of PanEuropean Union on this very subject, those who hack our email. - the new EU Team ought to set up radical standard and benchmark for EU in communication and such workings, which we have been lobbying since PM Blair era. Those nations, their institution and politicians caught out should be properly carpeted.


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty Thousands gather for rally after Paris attacks

Post  Sirop14 Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:08 am

Thousands gather for rally after Paris attacks


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Post  Sirop14 Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:12 pm

Dr.Naiken makes it to

Best Sellers List. Read all about it on

Dear Mr Christopher Gill - thank you for publishing the subject - there is the need to make some correction though. From our part the need to not to undermine or unreasonably attack a fellow countryman and former associate. This said we have not had the opportunity to read any of his books - even after requesting for a copy - do people fear that we may learn something we do not know yet. Please note 1987, we had been the Chair person of UKSCA and from Britain's NGO/Grass roots, Ethnic Community, Voluntary, Benevolent prospective workings the very vast challenges and problematic. Then lady Thatcher Government - that "infernal Satanic rage/rave, mad cow/cjd, Vache folle, crack vibe, antisocial phenomena had been some 4/5 year active. My own brief exchange with then Mr Henry Naiken on this subject. Shortly afterwards his book being publish. He was educated in the USSR - the Communist/Soviet Education. As such the then/what we have termed communication system in Sechelles Seychelles Communist government and one party system - our exchange on what he knew, from an Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary prospective - human, society, government, public, communication high management. Whether there had been a military change in Seychelles the need for any incoming government or Regime to study in-depth the Communist system/one party state communication and replace with something very different - be it based upon USA, British, French, Dutch, South African, Australia, Canada or German speaking. We had hoped when it came to writing that SIROP program and indeed some of the world/Europe intellects we had to work the issues and then Mr /Dr Henry Naiken was not available. It would have been refreshing and great help. We have communicate with Dr H Naiken after the 1991 change, the 3rd Republic, events and development - the era of President F A Rene. Having read briefly of his books contents must know that we have a very major problem in Sechelles Seychelles - regarding the many aspect of communication. Equally in Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comor. In Mauritius how the politicians, media and establishment have come to brand/label, the many aspect of communication they have in place and the/their respective impacts on everything. We have been requesting/urging that those Seychellois who can do something help find a solution - those who have infested our nation, families, friends and relatives with that infernal satanic rage/crack vibes, vache folle, CJD not just communication, mind, body, judiciary, police institutions, medical, education, church, media and the very long list. He of all individual ought to have come out more forcefully - proactive. We have read of your contributions to the incident in Paris - Dr Henry Naiken may not be the world expert on such issues, but he ought to come out and share his knowledge to/with the world - that the so call experts explanation of Terrorist/terrorism link to that highly abnormal satanic rage/rave, crack vibe and etc is utterly corrupted, it is a very abnormal benchmark and the Judiciary/policing be they Seychelles, African Union, Commonwealth or the Francophone. That infernal mechanism is deadlier that some of your super drugs found on the streets of Seychelles.


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty LE SCAN TÉLÉ / VIDÉO - Helle Thorning-Schmidt a raté la marche sur le perron de l'Élysée alors qu'elle se rendait à la marche républicaine dans les rues de Paris.

Post  Sirop14 Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:20 pm

Pas vu à la télé: la chute de la Première ministre danoise à l'Élysée

LE SCAN TÉLÉ / VIDÉO - Helle Thorning-Schmidt a raté la marche sur le perron de l'Élysée alors qu'elle se rendait à la marche républicaine dans les rues de Paris.[Facebook]


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty Terror, Trauer, Trittbrettfahrerei – und die Gefahr der Überreaktion Europa hat ein großes Problem mit dem gewaltbereiten Islamismus. Populistische Rufe nach dem Ende der Schengenzone werden es nicht lösen.

Post  Sirop14 Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:09 pm

Terror, Trauer, Trittbrettfahrerei – und die Gefahr der Überreaktion

Europa hat ein großes Problem mit dem gewaltbereiten Islamismus. Populistische Rufe nach dem Ende der Schengenzone werden es nicht lösen.

Gelegentlich ist in der Politik der Abstand zwischen Trauer und Kalkül geringer, als der Anstand es normalerweise zulassen würde. Zu beobachten war dieses Phänomen am Sonntag bei dem großen Gedenkmarsch für die Opfer von „Charlie Hebdo“ in Paris, bei dem die Fahne der freien Meinungsäußerung auch von jenen Trauergästen hochgehalten wurde, die es daheim mit diesem Menschenrecht nicht so genau nehmen – und das ist noch vornehm ausgedrückt. Wäre der Anlass nicht so tragisch, würde die Teilnahme von hochrangigen Vertretern aus Russland, Ägypten, der Türkei und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten bei einer Demonstration für die Medienfreiheit feinsten Stoff fürs Kabarett bieten.

Comment - For the past 15 years EU institution have laid great emphasis that the NGO participation in such highly important issues and their respective process outcome - Austria NGO's workings. So far all the shouting has been coming from the Governments only with the important involvement of the media.


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Post  Sirop14 Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:24 pm

We are aware that there is a coming Presidential election in that Sechelles Seychelles as such the topics which preoccupy the very many. By now the names of the Presidential candidate out to be known - not in that Sechelles Seychelles for all the Euro millions both the EU and UN have been contributing/investing to further democracy - Tax payers money.

The reason we came on Facebook this morning is last Sunday mega protests across the world and the outcome. The media and politicians making mileage.

We want to address the USA high officials, all those Western media who have lost one/some of their staff covering the Gulf Region and North Africa, these past 10/15 years. There are supposed vastly/superior educated personalities and experts n the USA than our person and across Europe - yet how the gutter media those who use that infernal satanic rage/rave positively can find out the political and other issues associated with the many incidents, in today's education system/science how the young and current generation are applying this mechanism and a long list of other institutions. Police in doing their forensic work/research - the so call Officials and world media will never reprint their findings or debacle why - yet it is/most of these killings and hostage-taking have been cause by the involvement of that infernal mechanism.

There are more liberal minded young Arabs/Muslims,  those who have gone through the Gulf  war and North Africa issues who can be approached and talked - asked their view on this phenomena how it cause and have caused then to undertake a military action  or cause major incident. How they apply it in War and their politics/media.

This mechanism/communication phenomena works/function and reacts right across the world from Canada to South America from North Russia to South Africa. Again the very man many associated incidents.

France is no exception - why are the Intelligence Service, the French media written and their political elite adopting this approach. The charlie Hebdo issues in 2011/12 were linked  and now we have this explosive situation and those in France still refusing to listen - in private or on forum discussion what they debate yet do not have the guts to come and print the issues in public. "If/should they go to clubs for naughty girls/ladies what the conversation will be and the many alternative issues yet nobody dare print/publish  - the Authorities would rater develop science/discipline to fabricate and invent their facts and evidences/logic and arguments.

Across Europe a Blanket of very dark and evil Powers have griped/engulfed most of the nations and behind that power is that infernal mechanism/Satanic rage, mad cow, cjd anti social phenomena. What about the church they of all people who ought to know better what they are preaching - specially the Catholic and Protestant churches. This from the Pulpit.  

More Terrible the like of Wikipedia who are supposed to write events and history from many other angles/facets what they are writing and publishing as facts and history. Wikipedia have explanation on Voodoo, , Black magic, Freemasonry, witchcraft, countless of other para science topics - abnormal science, disciplines yet on this highly abnormal mechanism nothing - not yet.


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty Ex-MI6 chief Sir John Sawers: We cannot stop terrorism unless we spy on innocent people

Post  Sirop14 Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:15 am

Why do not those of you start a mega debate on Facebook - the ulterior motives, reasons and objective those who use that "infernal satanic rage/rave/CJD antisocial on others." It is not just a mind issues/mental sickness.

We have read the article by the former MI5 Head - insanity will get the world nowhere - specially form those the public expect to produce/come forward with qualitative argument.

MI5 of all people/agencies ought to to know the deep dark issues of that "infernal satanic rage/crack vibe, CJD highly abnormal mechanism" how it can trigger all kind of terrible incidents until late 1980 it was part of the Intelligence Service and Special military mechanism for counter Intelligence in the Cold War era and the such today,  the greater public have gotten hold of it/the mass - how it is being use and abused - you/they do not need telephone, Internet to communicate their "whatever nasty what have you" those who live and experience such issues 24 hrs and how come communities have been completely blighted, human life made/turned into pure hell -nothing to do with Internet spying unless he want to be the future super English academician to reteach the world about English language We were very importantly involved to develop the WWW connectivity, they had their own system our reason that the world got access to the mass of information out there those who were just bent on control and dominance, then world- "a spade is a spade a fork is a fork. A pig is a pig not  cow". We have worked and contributed to such high workings the past 35 years ought to know. The many of you who ought to know when you work with such issue you just do not write/tell just anything in Public.


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty Valls aux adolescents : «Habituez-vous à vivre avec le terrorisme»

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:02 pm

We had trusted and fully hope that the new political blood in France would learn to call a spade a spade and a fork a fork - as the thousands of French Students who call their parents all kinds of vile and degrading names - yet they cannot and refuse to differentiate between a Terrorist action and the manipulation of that infernal Satanic rage/crack vibe, in the call room, the playground and on the bus they know it and what they call it when it come to their politicians they call this Terrorist.

Should one be able to regulate and develop a counter mechanism a very great deal of the action, political violence, racial, social, religious will diminish. With all the money, knowledge and experts they can carry out experiments and tests.

Deux jours après avoir évoqué un «apartheid» et au lendemain de la présentation du plan école par Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Manuel Valls s'exprimait vendredi lors d'un déplacement dans deux lycées de Seine-et-Marne.

Manuel Valls poursuit sa phase de communication dure. En présence de la ministre de l'Éducation nationale, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, et du ministre de l'Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, le premier ministre a tenu à rappeler aux lycéens la réalité des tensions actuelles de la société françaises.


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ATTENTAT CONTRE CHARLIE HEBDO : LES DERNIERES INFORMATIONS.  Empty Hollande : «Il n'y aura pas de prospérité s'il n'y a pas de sécurité» - WEF/DAVOS

Post  Sirop14 Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:00 pm

Hollande : «Il n'y aura pas de prospérité s'il n'y a pas de sécurité» - WEF/Davos

François Hollande s'est rendu pour la première fois de son mandat au forum économique mondial de Davos. Dans un contexte où la menace terroriste est plus forte que jamais et où la croissance est à la peine, le président de la République a estimé que ces deux problématiques étaient intimement liées.

Comment - Whoever sold/put the idea into President Hollande it would be  brilliant idea to attend WEF/Davos, whereby previously he has refused to attend - partly our impute and trying to convinced him it was a wast of time - the many who were there,  were not France friends. The ideas they were putting forward were not in the interests of France, economy  and its people but theirs.

The reason we came back to this forum issues - spell an issues out leave the Intelligence Service and the Police out - France people were supposed to be educated - for the past 15 years those/that nation which have done far far more important damage to France economy, politic, fiscal workings and global workings than any Muslim or Arab country will and can ever do. That nation which has help and is doing everything to grind/bring the french economy to its knees - that threat, security is very far greater  than a few individuals - the police and other authorities will can come to term with.

To go to Davos and speak otherwise in front of supposedly a large super intellectual audience is an insult to one own person and intelligence. Because among the many participants are France worse enemies worse than those Muslims and Arab Terrorists.

Then we have the same President Hollande whoa want to tell the Nation of the South their political priorities,, their prime economic threats and other threats. He can do this/that to the African nations - we in the Indian Ocean who had to flee/migrate, deported and exiled from France 5/6 generation ago our French roots and the rich experiences and knowledge we have acquired and institutions we have build  have a lot to teach the French people and it s government/Officials.

Plus with the issues of RIM Association, the mega battle fight involving President Ghadaffi and others to change OAU to African Union the massive challenge we had to overcome in the face of Europe opposition and USA, the Issues of BRICS and the alternative global currency its associated politics and threats, the ongoing process for the past 21 years of shift and change in the balance of global economic/social power  we have to know and be well aware of those issues to make our economic, society and existence work.


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