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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏

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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Chocolate tycoon heads for landslide victory in Ukraine presidential election

Post  Sirop14 Fri May 23, 2014 10:14 am

Chocolate tycoon heads for landslide victory in Ukraine presidential election
Petro Poroshenko has faced down protesters and rivals to lead the opinion polls before the first round of voting on Sunday

Russian military chief says NATO troops along border a worry ahead of Ukraine vote


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty 'Chocolate King' Poroshenko claims victory in Ukraine presidential poll

Post  Sirop14 Sun May 25, 2014 8:33 pm

'Chocolate King' Poroshenko claims victory in Ukraine presidential poll

(Reuters) - Billionaire Petro Poroshenko claimed Ukraine's presidency on Sunday after exit polls gave him an absolute majority in a first round of voting and, vowing to end a conflict with pro-Russian rebels, he pledged to align his country with Europe.

Exit polls gave Poroshenko, a confectionery magnate with long experience in government, more than 55 percent of the vote, well ahead of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in second place with just over 12 percent. If confirmed by results on Monday, there will be no need for a runoff vote on June 15.

Ukraine election: Petro Poroshenko declares victory in vote marred by violence and intimidation
Exit polls show the chocolate tycoon winning 56 per cent of the vote. At least one person was killed as polling stations were prevented from opening in much of the east

Agence France-Presse: Petro Poroshenko - from chocolate baron to Ukraine president

Ukraine: Poroschenko gewinnt die Wahl

Porochenko donné vainqueur de la présidentielle ukrainienne


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Re: Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏

Post  Sirop14 Mon May 26, 2014 8:31 pm

Ukraine leader goes on offensive


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Petro Poroshenko sworn in as President of Ukraine

Post  Sirop14 Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:05 pm

We got to watch D- Day with some relatives - later then left to doze/read - we read of the joint statement of the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists regarding the Ukraine - the important note for the world/pubic to differentiate between the larger SDA members views and comment and the SDA Division - the new Swearing in of the new Head of State Today.

We cannot but help underlining/stressing - at the time of Writing that SIROP program 1987, then USSR, then Germany's, then East Europe and former Adventist in Sechelles Seychelles, Mauritius. Then SDA General Conference - never and did not know one day soon they would expand and have churches in those countries - we had know about and it formed part of our daily work and ongoing issues/planned some of the issues. Those who prayed. These people/officials were not political though they had to understand some of the issues as we/I worked and contributed to implementing this program. Then when they found themselves having Churches and developing structures - their new attitude, politic, media and comportment. This is a topic we know extremely well.

When you pray specially Heads and Leaders of churches, you cannot and do not lie - because you very life is at risk/you are not talking to Lucifer or , - the need to know the difference. We knew and made the distinction then very well those who know and recall.

After all the great blessing - humanity was spared - the vast majority changed and we/all those who choose to forget what had changed and saved the world - those who invented. Then things started going very wrong, the many Sermons and interfaith discussions.

Beside other denomination/churches we have been attending with the Russian speaking church in London when we can and why/what we have shared - yet those who refused to listen.

Even with christian Brothers and Sisters - there are instance/moment when one is required to take firm stand and bitter decision - with out their consent. What we know and Term as Church. "That very awful mess in Ukraine and the death could have been avoided, we prayed and shared our concern and knowledge with the Russian SDA Church in London/Britain and yet - then what the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists media writes. As instrument of the Lord or Heaven which we all are Rights to question this and the Terrible situation we are walking into".

There is a marked and important distinction between the Church workings and the World - have to be and must remain.

Petro Poroshenko sworn in as President of Ukraine

Putin orders tightening of border control with Ukraine

Präsident Poroschenko will Ukraine in die EU führen

Porochenko, un président qui devra naviguer entre la diplomatie et la guerre


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine: Erster Toter bei Beschuss russischen Territoriums

Post  Sirop14 Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:53 am

Ukraine: Erster Toter bei Beschuss russischen Territoriums

Beim Beschuss von russischem Staatsgebiet wurde das erste Mal ein Mensch getötet. Streitkräfte sprechen unterdessen von Hunderten Toten in der Ostukraine.

13.07.2014 | 11:11 | (

Zum ersten Mal beim Beschuss russischen Staatsgebiets von ukrainischer Seite ist ein Mensch getötet worden. Zwei Menschen seien verletzt worden, meldete die Agentur Interfax unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskräfte. Russland hatte mit Gegenwehr gedroht, sollte sein Territorium erneut beschossen werden.

Mehr zum Thema:

Ukraine: Moskau droht Kiew nach Grenzverletzung mit Gegenwehr
Donezk: Tausende Ukrainer fliehen vor befürchteter Offensive
Ukraine: Viele Tote bei neuen Luftangriffen
Das schwere Geschoß schlug laut Bericht in einem Haus im Gebiet Rostow ein, das in der Nähe der Kampfzone liegt. Eine offizielle Bestätigung dafür gab es zunächst nicht.

Die ukrainische Luftwaffe hat nach Angaben des Verteidigungsministeriums in Kiew unterdessen erneut Separatistenstellungen unter Feuer genommen und dabei Dutzende Aufständische getötet. Dabei sei auch Technik zerstört worden, teilte das Ministerium in Kiew mit.

Allein bei zwei der insgesamt fünf gezielten Luftschläge seien bis zu 40 Separatisten getötet worden, hieß es. Für die übrigen Angriffe nannte das Ministerium zunächst keine Opferzahlen. Die Kämpfe dauerten auch am Sonntag an.

Die Stadtverwaltung von Donezk teilte mit, dass bei Gefechten am Samstag in zwei Stadtteilen zwölf Menschen getötet und mehrere verletzt worden seien. Für den Ortsteil Marjinka wurde die Zahl mit sechs getöteten Zivilisten angegeben, nachdem Separatisten zuvor von 30 Toten gesprochen hatten.

Moscou met en garde Kiev après un incident

Russia threatens Ukraine after shell crosses border


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Massenflucht: 730.000 Ukrainer suchen Schutz in Russland

Post  Sirop14 Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:45 pm

Die Flüchtlingswelle ist offenbar weit größer, als bisher angenommen. Gleichzeitig intensiviert die Armee ihre Vorbereitungen auf einen Sturm der Millionenstadt Donezk.

05.08.2014 | 13:38 | (

Die Flüchtlingswelle aus dem Osten der Ukraine nimmt immer größere Ausmaße an: Bereits rund 730.000 Menschen aus dem zwischen der Armee und prorussischen Rebellen umkämpften Gebiet haben in Russland Schutz gesucht. Dies geht aus aktuellen Zahlen des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR vom Dienstag hervor. Die Fluchtbewegung ist damit weit größer als bisher angenommen.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Wladimir Putin will "Blutvergießen beenden"

Post  Sirop14 Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:29 pm

Während die ukrainische Armee Donezk unter schweren Beschuss nimmt, erklärte Russlands Präsident auf der Krim, dass Russland den Kämpfen ein Ende setzen wolle.

14.08.2014 | 16:52 | (

Die prorussischen Separatisten in der Ostukraine geraten immer weiter in die Defensive. Regierungstruppen nahmen am Donnerstag die Rebellen-Hochburg Donezk unter heftigen Beschuss. Unterdessen setzte ein russischer Hilfskonvoi mit 280 Lastwagen seine Fahrt in Richtung ukrainischer Grenze fort. Die Kolonne war auf dem Weg nach Rostow am Don. Von dort sind es etwa noch 60 Kilometer bis zur Ukraine.

Erstmals schlugen in Donezk Granaten in unmittelbarer Nähe des Zentrums ein. Dabei kam mindestens ein Bewohner um. Das Militär rückte zuletzt immer weiter auf die Stadt vor, in der zu Friedenszeiten fast eine Million Menschen lebten. Verängstigte Menschen versuchten, Schutzräume zu erreichen. Bereits zu Wochenbeginn hatte das Militär erklärt, es bereite sich auf die letzte Phase der Einnahme der Industriemetropole vor.

Rebellenchef verletzt

In der zweiten belagerten Rebellen-Hochburg Luhansk gab Rebellenchef Waleri Bolotow die Führung der Separatisten ab. Er könne wegen einer Verletzung nicht mehr weitermachen, erklärte Bolotow dem staatlichen russischen Sender Rossija 24 zufolge. Nachfolger sei der bisherige Verteidigungsminister der sogenannten Luhansker Volksrepublik, Igor Plotnizki. Erst vor einer Woche war der Anführer der von den Rebellen ausgerufenen Donezker Volksrepublik, Alexander Borodai, zurückgetreten.

Unterdessen herrschte weiter Unklarheit, ob und wo der russische Hilfskonvoi in die Ostukraine hineingelassen wird. Zunächst hatte sich die Regierung in Kiew geweigert, die rund 280 Lastwagen ins Land zu lassen. Sie befürchtete, Russland wolle unter dem Vorwand humanitärer Unterstützung direkt in die Kämpfe eingreifen. Die Regierung in Moskau wies dies als absurd zurück.

Am Mittwochabend erklärte ein Sprecher des ukrainischen Präsidenten aber, sein Land sei mit der Lieferung in die Region Luhansk einverstanden, die an den russischen Verwaltungsbezirk Rostow grenzt. Dort wird die Grenze von Separatisten kontrolliert. Ein ukrainischer Militärsprecher bekräftigte aber, Bedingung sei, dass die Lastwagen von eigenen Sicherheitskräften und Vertretern der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa überprüft würden.

Die Verteilung der Güter soll demnach das Rote Kreuz (IKRK) koordinieren. Eine Sprecherin des IKRK sagte in Genf, die Modalitäten für den Grenzübertritt müssten zwischen den beiden Ländern noch geklärt werden. Sie mahnte Russland und die Ukraine, der Transport dürfe nicht politisch instrumentalisiert werden.

Wegen der seit rund vier Monaten anhaltenden Kämpfe sind in Luhansk und Donezk Lebensmittel und Wasser knapp. Die ukrainische Regierung hat angekündigt, einen eigenen Konvoi zur Versorgung der Bevölkerung zu entsenden

Des dizaines de victimes civiles dans les combats à l'Est de l'Ukraine

Ukraine crisis: Rebel military chief Strelkov 'quits'


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Moskau lässt gepanzerte Fahrzeuge an Grenze auffahren

Post  Sirop14 Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:32 am

Moskau lässt gepanzerte Fahrzeuge an Grenze auffahren

Russland hat an der Grenze zur Ukraine Dutzende schwere Militärfahrzeuge in der Nähe eines Hilfskonvois zusammengezogen. Dabei handelte es sich um Transportpanzer, wie Reuters-Reporter am Freitagmorgen beobachteten.

Nach einem Bericht der britischen Zeitungen "Guardian" und "The Telegraph" überquerten mehrere gepanzerte Transportfahrzeuge die Grenze zur Ukraine. Es sei zwar unwahrscheinlich, dass es sich um eine großangelegte russische Invasion handle. Es gebe damit aber einen klaren Beleg, dass russische Truppen in der Ukraine aktiv seien, berichtete die Zeitungen.

Ukaine: Gusenbauer fordert UN-Einsatz mit Bundesheer-Soldaten

Now armoured personnel carriers join the Russian aid convoy as shelling of besieged rebel city stepped up

Comment - It is sicking and immoral the way EU Institutions works, reacts and their decision making - They have spent billion of Euro Tax payers money and vote in the mega mess which engulfed Yugoslavia - the real agenda of those involved. People have protested, written, debated - nobody in the EU Institutions listens.

Now the scenario of those who cooked/patched up that super crap - their agenda, daily upward to 50 civilians are being killed and this old, feeble human, defenseless and EU, the Church and Masonic Institutions crap the world  of the capacity to support Human being in places like china and Russia, Middle East and Africa. Yet on their very door step a group of people set a creepy agenda and they cannot do anything about.

Little wonder the citizens of EU are fed up and loosing faith in the EU Institutions - calling for its breakup.  
Again just a so call Democracy works in Europe - we have written and been writing for the past 5 years those in Ukraine, Russia for help that we can migrate to the continent even to Ukraine so that we change the terrible system of London Manipulating and exerting control on everything going - nobody want so listen, their media involvement. There are very many small bodies and organisation in Europe who are involved - what runs/goes on it their heads is just not right.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Kiev says its forces clashed with Russian troops inside Ukraine

Post  Sirop14 Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:54 pm

Kiev says its forces clashed with Russian troops inside Ukraine

(Reuters) - Ukraine said its forces had attacked and partly destroyed a Russian armoured column that entered Ukrainian territory overnight, a firefight which if confirmed would mark a dramatic worsening of the conflict.

Russia's government denied its forces had crossed into Ukraine, and accused Kiev of trying to sabotage deliveries of aid, but European capitals accused the Kremlin of escalating the fighting.

Kiev and its Western allies have in the past repeatedly accused Russia of arming pro-Moscow separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, and of sending undercover military units onto Ukrainian soil.

Ukraine attacks Russian military convoy, says president

BREAKING NEWS: Ukrainian army in battle with Russian armoured column after it crosses border and claims it has destroyed Kremlin forces

Ukrainische Armee greift bewaffneten russischen Konvoi an

L'Ukraine dit avoir détruit des blindés venus de Russie


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine president claims Russian vehicles that crossed border have been destroyed

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:30 am

Ukraine president claims Russian vehicles that crossed border have been destroyed

Ukraine claims it has destroyed Russian military vehicles in the country's east, a day after a column was spotted moving across the border.

Ukraine's president, Petro Poroshenko, told David Cameron by phone that his country's armed forces had destroyed part of an armed convoy that the Guardian saw moving through a gap in a border fence on Thursday night.

There was no immediate proof, and it was impossible to establish if the Ukrainians had targeted the same convoy seen by the Guardian. The Russians categorically denied that any of their troops were even in Ukraine. But the claim marks a new escalation in the six-month confrontation over Ukraine and if verified would amount to the first confirmed military engagement between the two adversaries since the crisis began in the spring.

"The president informed [Cameron] that the information was trustworthy because the majority of those machines [Russian military vehicles] had been eliminated by the Ukrainian artillery at night," a statement from Poroshenko's office read.

A White House spokesman said last night: "The escalation in Russian activity designed to destabilise Ukraine in recent weeks is extremely dangerous and provocative."

The Guardian and Telegraph witnessed the convoy crossing through a gap in a wire demarcation fence on Thursday night, close to the village of Severny on the Ukrainian side. The convoy had waited by the side of the road several miles away until darkness fell, and then moved towards the border. As it crossed the fenced area armed men stood guard. It was impossible to verify the destination or ultimate fate of the convoy, or monitor how long it stayed on the other side of the border.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine rebels getting tanks and reinforcements, says separatist leader

Post  Sirop14 Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:49 am

Donetsk: Ukrainian rebels are receiving new armoured vehicles and fighters trained in Russia with which they plan to launch a major counter-offensive against government forces, a separatist leader has said.
The four-month conflict in eastern Ukraine has reached a critical phase, with Kiev and Western governments watching nervously to see if Russia will intervene in support of the increasingly besieged rebels – an intention Moscow denies.

Read more:

Ukrainian troops pictured beating man accused of being pro-Russian spy, as rebel commander claims armoured column with 1,200 fighters is heading to Donetsk

Accord entre Moscou et Kiev sur les modalités du passage du convoi russe

Separatistenführer Sachartschenko gab an, dass Moskau rund 1200 geschulte Soldaten sowie Kriegsmaterial schicken werde. Kiew hingegen spricht von einer Panik unter den Separatisten.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Russian trucks leave but Ukraine says they’re taking military parts with them

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:44 pm

KIEV — A convoy of Russian aid trucks that had entered Ukraine without permission returned to Russia on Saturday, but Ukrainian officials continued to express alarm, saying that Russians had loaded sophisticated military equipment onto the vehicles before they left.

Col. Andriy Lysenko, Ukraine’s military spokesman, said that trucks that had driven into the territory “under the guise of humanitarian convoys” had crossed back into Russia on Saturday morning after being packed with Ukrainian-made equipment used to produce an advanced aircraft-tracking system, as well as ammunition for small arms.

Russia’s defense sector, which has been hurt by European sanctions, has long been dependent on industries in Ukraine to provide parts for everything from planes to missiles. But the new charges added to tensions over the convoy. Earlier, Western officials had expressed suspicions that the trucks were bringing in small arms to replenish the rebels’ supplies, an allegation Russia has denied.

Germany urges Ukraine to accept federal solution with separatists

Russischer Hilfskonvoi verlässt Ukraine

Le convoi d'aide russe destiné à l'est de l'Ukraine est rentré en Russie

Ukraine, Poutine, Obama, Merkel : le dessous des cartes par Jean-Michel Quatrepoint (1/2)


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Putin and Poroshenko come face to face for the first time since fighting broke out in Ukraine… but a fresh war of words has now begun

Post  Sirop14 Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:04 pm

Putin and Poroshenko come face to face for the first time since fighting broke out in Ukraine… but a fresh war of words has now begun

Presidents of Russia and Ukraine met for talks in Belarusian capital Minsk
Men sat down for discussions on fighting that has engulfed east Ukraine
Despite staging handshake for cameras pair displayed wildly opposing views
Poroshenko said 'the fate of peace and the fate of Europe' was at stake
But Putin focused on trade agreements and Ukraine's ties with the West
Meeting came just hours after Kiev issued photographs of men it claims are Russian paratroopers it discovered operating inside Ukrainian territory

Read more:


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Putin and Poroshenko come face to face for the first time since fighting broke out in Ukraine… but a fresh war of words has now begun

Post  Sirop14 Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:44 pm

Putin and Poroshenko come face to face for the first time since fighting broke out in Ukraine… but a fresh war of words has now begun

Presidents of Russia and Ukraine met for talks in Belarusian capital Minsk
Men sat down for discussions on fighting that has engulfed east Ukraine
Despite staging handshake for cameras pair displayed wildly opposing views
Poroshenko said 'the fate of peace and the fate of Europe' was at stake
But Putin focused on trade agreements and Ukraine's ties with the West
Meeting came just hours after Kiev issued photographs of men it claims are Russian paratroopers it discovered operating inside Ukrainian territory

Read more:


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko vows 'roadmap' for peace

Post  Sirop14 Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:03 am

Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko vows 'roadmap' for peace

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says a "roadmap" will be prepared to end fighting between troops and pro-Russian separatists in the east.

He was speaking after holding his first direct talks on the crisis with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Belarus.

Mr Putin said Russia would assist a dialogue, but stopping the fighting was a matter for Ukraine itself.

Ukraine and the West accuse Russia of arming the rebels, a claim repeatedly denied by the Kremlin.

"A roadmap will be prepared in order to achieve, as soon as possible, a ceasefire regime which absolutely must be bilateral in character," Mr Poroshenko said after two hours of talks with Mr Putin in the Belarusian capital, Minsk.

Earlier this year, Mr Poroshenko declared a unilateral ceasefire but accused the rebels of not following suit.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty UPDATE 1-Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says

Post  Sirop14 Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:08 pm

By Alexei Anishchuk

Aug 29 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia's armed forces, backed by its nuclear arsenal, were ready to meet any aggression, declaring at a pro-Kremlin youth camp that foreign states should understand: "It's best not to mess with us."

Putin told the assembly, on the banks of a lake near Moscow, the Russian takeover of Crimea in March was essential to save a largely Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian government violence. He said continued fighting in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists launched an uprising in April, was the result of a refusal by Kiev to negotiate.

Ukraine, and Western governments, accuse Russia of sending troops and armour to back the separatists in a conflict that has already killed over 2,000 people. Russia denies the charge.

"Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts," he said at the camp on the banks of Lake Seliger. "We don't want that and don't plan on it. But naturally, we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.

"Russia's partners...should understand it's best not to mess with us," said Putin, dressed casually in a grey sweater and light blue jeans.

"Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers."

Putin spoke easily with the students, many of whom looked to be asking scripted questions about demography and history. Other times he accepted gifts or, smilingly, played down their praise.

When a student said that she had not heard a single negative comment about Putin's presidency from camp speakers, he responded with a grin that "objectivity" was important.

His tone darkened when speaking on Ukraine, blaming the United States and the European Union for the "unconstitutional" removal of Kiev's former Moscow-backed president Viktor Yanukovich and replacement with a pro-European government.

He said eastern Ukraine did not agree with Yanukovich's removal and was now subjected to "crude military force" from government planes, tanks and artillery.

"If those are contemporary European values, then I'm simply disappointed in the highest degree," he said, comparing Ukraine's military operations in the east of the country with the Nazi siege of Leningrad in World War Two.

"Small villages and large cities surrounded by the Ukrainian army which is directly hitting residential areas with the aim of destroying the infrastructure... It sadly reminds me of the events of the Second World War, when German fascist... occupiers surrounded our cities." (Reporting by Alexei Anishchuk, Writing by Thomas Grove; editing by Ralph Boulton)

Putin: "Legt Euch besser nicht mit Russland an"

Nato states create new rapid deployment force


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty There is a very high chance that Donald Tusk, Polish Prime Minister

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:27 am

There is a very high chance that Donald Tusk, Polish Prime Minister

will become the next President of the European Council today, while Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini may become the next High Representative.
With Jean-Claude Juncker as Commission president, all three regions of Europe (North and West, Central and Eastern, Southern Europe) would be represented.
There would also be a strong lead for each of 3 major challenges facing Europe from a global perspective -
- the crisis in Ukraine
- the crisis in the Middle East and Mediterranean/North Africa
- the need to revive the European economy, to complete the single market and to secure a fairTransatlantic trade deal
None of these issues can be addressed by one nation acting alone - a strong, coherent, European response is needed.
Europe's top team, whoever they are, will need to be able to help heads of government deliver this.

Dear Friends of Facebook and Friends of Europe - In 1979, Vienna when we were made a Fellow of Prof Dr Michael Hofmann Interdisciplinary Institute of Management - Vienna. Then Cold War - Vienna/Austria position and role. We had been privileged because of the greater cold war issues, the Indian Ocean/Africa/Gulf Region West - East Camp to have worked, contributed to a number of highly important the USSR Economic and other decisions. Most important those then Friends of Sechelles Seychelles in the COMECON/Communist Block. it is all very well and easy for all those form former COMECON and Warsaw Pact to talk of High Interdisciplinary management discipline and High Illuminati issues - in Term of Europe workings and the world - the need to remember where they came form as every educated and intelligent civilization and human would do - how this came about and who were those importantly involved to help/empower them. Every academicians from the First, Second world war will tell you get your facts wrong and your are in leadership you are bound to start a War suing blunt European speaking. We have addressed countless Blogs stating had we been on mainland Europe , former East Europe and NATO would have been very different, the enlargement politic of Europe. Europe is at a juncture - those build it and many still alive know what we are talking about. Those taken to suddenly invent their science and history and future of Europe. We have been brought to respect the great workings of the KGB, the CIA and British Intelligence and that of Vatican and other nations. All those who too easily blame Russia fro the death of many of former Solidarnos high executives - they died because they had been manipulating the high discipline and Powers which had brought them to Powers and liberated them - this powers and mechanism is very much alive. In Many German, Austrian and other respectable Universities exist a given Department/Section devoted to such special studies - irrelevant what NATO, the USA, or Eu politicians think. PM Tony Blair is very much alive - he among other know how we helped and contribute to then Politician Donald Tusk to climb and come to power the issues form a greater high Interdisciplinary functionality. At EU high Institutions they forget too easily. Because of our important role - we have taken to monitor very closely the unique emancipation of Poland in European workings and politic. Be the USA, British or Central European influence. There very many betraying their own people, nation and very reason they fought for freedom. It is misconceived vision. They judge still in the European Lab, they have every Rights to stand for their view and position. This is very dangerous. To help those who will read this comment - we used high interdisciplinary discipline for the Illuminati - the issues of the Templar in North Germany, South Russia and Poland. Equally the sudden surge and discovery of this science and discipline in Poland because of their American Influence the practice and benchmark, the comportment compare to central European Templar and Illuminati workings. Everybody forget at the time of applying and contributing it was the Central European Illuminati and Templar high discipline we were/that was being applied - certainly not those used and practice by NATO. In the workings of such science and discipline remind everybody the high mechanism at work and regulatory. < Not everybody is gone President Gorbachev is still alive, President leach Walesa is still alive and Chancellor Koln> They ought to know of what we are talking about. These are issues we have refused to write and debate in public about. [(" The polish people are a great people in Europe - hence the thinking of European - they many not have the best apple - the many many apple farmers who just do not know what to do with their Apple in figurative talking - something is very very wrong somewhere - certainly not just the Russian")}


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Vladimir Putin has absorbed the West's 'consequences' and stepped up his aggression

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:39 pm

We listened to the tone of briefing before the Summit in Bruxelles and was taken up by the remark that EU have not other option but sanction  and soft approach - EU is not about those head of State EU is about the people and its Institutions - many of then do not come under the control and jurisdiction of EU. The armies of NGO for instance.

We have offered help us move to Say France/Bruxelles or Vienna for One month and their would be mega change in the Russian and Ukraine issues  - Nobody want to listen. They are hell bent on confrontation - those driving the agenda.

We repeat those people were not there when we liberated the COMECON, synergy-zed Poland, other East European State and Russia to go in the direction it did. Had it been those people involved there would have been war long ago.

Beside, time we have stressed that Nuclear accident in Ukraine was not natural - there were other issues and mechanism - We contributed and made impute in the issues of the removal of Nuclear weapon from Ukraine - those who judge it ought not to have happened - what would have been the outcome, the mess Europe and the world landed. Europe and the world have had 15 years to monitor and study the capacity of Ukraine to handle anything competently - the degrading Social and Democratic workings and now Europe is being dragged into a War and Economic meltdown - if those who can do not step in and put some sanity in the situation

Quote -Framed against a glorious medieval backdrop, Mr Obama will promise that while their nations may indeed be small, and newcomers to Nato, the United States and the major European military powers "mean what we say" when it comes to honouring Nato's mutual defence pact. The same NATO and the same mechanism had given its undertaking to the world that it would never encroach on Russia Territory and Economic sphere of Interest  - NATO is now on Russia Boarder.

Vladimir Putin has absorbed the West's 'consequences' and stepped up his aggression

When Barack Obama arrives in the Estonian capital of Tallinn early this week to meet the presidents of the three Baltic States, he will come bearing the gift of assurances.
Framed against a glorious medieval backdrop, Mr Obama will promise that while their nations may indeed be small, and newcomers to Nato, the United States and the major European military powers "mean what we say" when it comes to honouring Nato's mutual defence pact.
As any parent will tell you, when an authority figure warns that "I mean what I say" it's almost always a sign that the object of such threats - in this case Russian president Vladimir Putin - has good reason to doubt the truth of that statement, or at least to test whether or not it is true.

Live Updates: EU Threatens More Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine Escalation

Last edited by Sirop14 on Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:05 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Italy's Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini has been appointed next EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy by EU leaders

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:49 pm

Italy's Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini has been appointed next EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy by EU leaders. Her role will be to coordinate and develop the EU's common foreign and security policy and chair the monthly meeting of EU Foreign Ministers. She will also be Vice-President of the European Commission and ensure the consistency of the Union's external action. The European External Action Service (EEAS) supports the work of the High Representative.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine warns of ‘full-scale’ war with Russia

Post  Sirop14 Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:55 pm

Ukraine warns of ‘full-scale’ war with Russia

Conflict in eastern Ukraine is intensifying with thousands of foreign troops, Kiev says

EU-Gipfel: Tusk ist Ratspräsident

La crise ukrainienne est «proche d'un point de non-retour»

Donald Tusk désigné à la tête du Conseil européen

Walesa: Poles ‘do not know how to celebrate real victories’
30.08.2014 12:37
Former president and leader of the Solidarity trade union, Lech Walesa has said that Poles “know how to commemorate disasters, but do not know how to celebrate real victories”.
- See more at:,Walesa-Poles-%E2%80%98do-not-know-how-to-celebrate-real-victories%E2%80%99#sthash.vUCxRSqe.dpuf

Polish PM elected as EU chairman
30.08.2014 19:43
Poland's prime minister Donald Tusk has been chosen to be the next president of the European Council, one of the EU's top jobs.
- See more at:,Polish-PM-elected-as-EU-chairman#sthash.2gzJd3w9.dpuf

Polish PM Tusk chosen as next European Council president


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Russia and Seychelles agree to strengthen ties

Post  Sirop14 Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:31 pm

Russia and Seychelles agree to strengthen ties

Russia wants to strengthen its bilateral ties and friendly relations with Seychelles and Russia, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

In his meeting with Designated Minister Vincent Meriton, who is also the Minister for Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports, Mr Bogdanov, who was here on an official visit, conveyed the salutation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and the Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
He also expressed the full support of the Russian government to further strengthen the bilateral ties and friendly relations that exist between the two nations and peoples.

Both ministers acknowledged the longstanding and traditional relations that exist between Seychelles and Russia to be marked by the upcoming 40th anniversary since the establishment of bilateral relations on June 29, 1976. They further stressed the need to elevate already excellent collaboration to a qualitatively higher level in the future.

As key outcome of the meeting, the ministers identified particular avenues of cooperation that could be developed for the mutual benefit of both countries.
These include greater potential for investment, trade, tourism, the offer of military and law enforcement training, the blue economy, parliamentary exchanges, maritime security and the fight against piracy, fisheries and exchanges between advanced level educational institutions.

Minister Meriton conveyed Seychelles' appreciation for the support provided by the Russian government in its efforts to enhance capacity building.

"Our most prized resource is our youth. With a people-centred approach, we need to ensure that we identify the right mechanisms to meet the needs of our people; to provide them with the necessary resources required to develop and expand their potential as contributors to the sustainable development of our country,” said Minister Meriton.

He also expressed his gratitude for the scholarships that have been offered by the Russian government, and welcomed initiatives to broaden cooperation in the education sector.

Tourism was also identified as a key driver of the strong partnership that exists between the two countries. Seychelles has witnessed a significant increase in the number of tourist arrivals from Russia following the introduction of the Transaero Airlines charter flights to Seychelles since January 2012. Both sides have conveyed their interest in concluding a Bilateral Air Services Agreement which will trigger an even greater increase in the flow of tourist arrivals as well as broaden trade between the two countries.

Also contributing to the development of our tourism sector is the growing interest of Russian investment in hotel infrastructures, namely the Savoy Resort & Spa and others, which have had an important impact on the socio-economic development of Seychelles, expanding tourism and providing diverse employment opportunities.

On the subject of maritime security, both countries shared their commitment to fighting the scourge of piracy to ensure peace and security in the region for progress and stability. The joint meeting provided a platform for discussions on bilateral, multilateral, regional and international issues.

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister was accompanied by George Todua, deputy director of the African Department, and Andrey Tsybenko, counsellor and interpreter. Also present was Vladimir Belous, resident Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Seychelles, and Evgeny Shalobanov, counsellor, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Seychelles.

On the Seychelles side at the joint meeting chaired by Minister Meriton, representing Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean Paul Adam, were the Minister for Home Affairs and Transport, Joël Morgan, Chief of Defence Forces Brigadier Leopold Payet, principal secretary for foreign affairs, Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, and principal secretary for finance Patrick Payet.

Source Seychelles Nation


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Poutine évoque un «État» pour l'Est ukrainien

Post  Sirop14 Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:19 am

Poutine évoque un «État» pour l'Est ukrainien

De nos correspondants à Moscou et Bruxelles
Pendant que les Européens tergiversent, Vladimir Poutine accélère. Vingt-quatre heures après le sommet de Bruxelles, qui a ajourné toute décision de nouvelles sanctions à l'encontre de Moscou, le président russe a esquissé une nouvelle exigence: après leurs succès militaires, les séparatistes sont en droit d'organiser leur propre État dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine.

«Des discussions substantielles devraient être lancées immédiatement… sur des questions d'organisation politique de la société et du système d'État dans le but de garantir d'une manière inconditionnelle les intérêts légaux des habitants» du Donbass, a déclaré le chef du Kremlin. Deux jours plus tôt, celui-ci avait employé le terme de «Nouvelle Russie», pour désigner ces territoires qui firent autrefois partie de l'Empire russe avant d'être intégrés à la République soviétique d'Ukraine puis à l'Ukraine indépendante.


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty EU-Gipfel: Tusk ist Ratspräsident

Post  Sirop14 Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:24 am

EU-Gipfel: Tusk ist Ratspräsident

Polens Premier galt als Favorit für den Posten. Die italienische Außenministerin Mogherini wird zur Außenbeauftragten ernannt.

31.08.2014 | 19:50 | (

Der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk ist vom EU-Gipfel in Brüssel zum nächsten EU-Ratspräsidenten ernannt worden. Dies teilte Amtsinhaber Herman Van Rompuy am Samstag auf Twitter mit. Tusk folgt in dieser Funktion für zweieinhalb Jahre auf Van Rompuy, dessen Amtszeit am 30. November endet. Der Ratspräsident leitet die EU-Gipfel.

Tusk wurde zudem zum Präsidenten der Euro-Gipfel ernannt. Somit werden die Euro-Gipfel von einem Polen geleitet, dessen Land noch nicht der Währungsunion angehört. Euro-Gipfel sind zweimal jährlich vorgesehen.

Die italienische Außenministerin Federica Mogherini ist vom EU-Gipfel am Samstag zur nächsten EU-Außenbeauftragten ernannt worden. Dies teilte EU-Ratspräsident Herman Van Rompuy auf Twitter mit. Mogherini folgt in dieser Funktion ab November der bisherigen Außenbeauftragten Catherine Ashton für fünf Jahre.

EU-Gipfel: Hoffnung auf aktivere EU-Politik


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Ukraine bailout could need extra $19bn if conflict continues, warns IMF

Post  Sirop14 Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:50 pm

Ukraine bailout could need extra $19bn if conflict continues, warns IMF

Factories shutting down, industrial heartlands under attack and currency in freefall, contributing to sharp increase in prices

Ukraine may need bigger bailout if conflict continues in 2015 -IMFR


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Brutal Crackdown in Ukraine‏ - Page 4 Empty Juncker will Kommission völlig umbauen

Post  Sirop14 Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:58 pm

Juncker will Kommission völlig umbauen

Designierter EU-Präsident für „Superkommissare“, die Großprojekte verantworten. Belgien hat als einziges der 28 EU-Staaten noch keinen Kandidaten nominiert

03.09.2014 | 18:10 | (Die Presse)

Wien/Brüssel. Kein Stein soll auf dem anderen bleiben. Jean-Claude Juncker, der ab 1. November die Nachfolge von José Manuel Barroso antritt, will die EU-Kommission einem massiven Umbau unterziehen. Das berichtet die „Süddeutsche Zeitung“. Juncker plant demnach, seine 27 Kommissare in mehrere Gruppen aufzuteilen, die jeweils eine Großbaustelle der Union – sei es die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion oder der digitale Binnenmarkt – bearbeiten sollen. Jeder dieser Gruppen soll ein Kommissar vorstehen, der gleichzeitig einer von Junckers Vizepräsidenten ist.


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